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Ford Car Text Catalog January 1964
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A 4 tn 4 e mw can nur m INFOIMATION CAYALQB MQDII CODE Codes shown in the Text Catalog under heading Model are to be interpreted as follows l A IPassenger Car F M 2 F t Y i5 E V 5 S C Supercharger A C Air Conditioner M L Mainline S D Sedan Delivery j A S Air Suspension O D Overdrive S L Sunllner l C L Customllne P I Pollce Interceptor S T Standard Transmission C M Cruise 0 Matic F L Parklane S W Statfon Wagon F L Falrlane P S Power Steering L F M rovuzowmc vninsnnsnnu S Thunderbird 1 I Includes parts common to Station Wagon Sedan Delivery Ranchero Police Interceptor when applicable Models S D and S W when shovm separately apply to parts pecullar to Sedan Delivery and Station Wagons I MODEL YEARS Model year application ls indicated by showing the first year followed by a diagonal line to imply I continued usage in all subsequent years until the Lnsertlon of the last year ol usage which will then be Lnserted after the diagonal ltne It no diagonal line is shown the lllustration is applicable only to the year shown r Example 49 indicates part used 1949 model year only 49 59 indicates part used 1949 through 1959 model years 55 indicates part used 1955 through 1959 and subsequent model years as indicated in the appropriate catalog for 1959 and up SECYION GIOUP and IASIC NUMIEIS For greater convenience this catalog is divided into sections to conlorm with the Master Parts Catalogs i Section Numbers are related to group numbers as follows V c 1 E M 10 1000 1999 Wheel Parts A 2D 2DOO 2999 Brake Parts I The Illustration Catalog is divided lnto sections also and like parts are shown under similar numbers in both the Text and Illustratlons catalogs Illustratlons contain basic group numbers only therefore it is necessary to refer to the baslc Q group within the Text Catalog listing lor complete applicable part number Some basic numbers include an alphabetical character ln addition to the numerical digits shown in the charts on Page VI In this catalog basic numbers expanded by an alphabetical character follow the numerical basic numbers from which they are expanded a nd are listed in the manner shown below 2150 Bolt Front Brake Line Connection 2A150 Bushing Power Brake Booster Lever gj V Refer to Pages VI thru 1Xior more information on Ford group and basic part numbers 5 It pf NOMlNCLAI llE INDEX pj gc A nomenclature index appears at the beginning of each major Chassis group listed l n the Quick if i Reference index shown on the cover and Page I The Body nomenclature index is shovm on pages g t 6 15 thru 594 in the beginning of the body area ol the catalog 5 Q 3 V s if