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Obsolete - Supercede - Interchange Manual FPS 7632-5 January 1994 |
Obsolete Supersede Irrtercltzztrtge GENERAL INEOR1V1A J T ON lncluded 111 this column is data for parts which have become Obsolete Superseded or Ilritcrclratriged from July 1 1980 thru ne 30 1993 for Ford and1 1ncolr1 Mercury vehicles i This O S 1 Catalog has been developed to prox itile Ford and 1 incoir1 M rcu ry Dealers with information pertaining to Ford and Lincoln Mercury Parts and Accessories no longer supplied and which parts can be categorized as OBS Z E 1 E SUPERSEDE OR 1NTERC1 1ANQ KEY TO D1SPOS1 1 1ON CODES MW Mix With RB Replaced By SD Serviced ln Detals Only NR Nor Replaced SA Serviced ln Assembly SK Service 111 Krt lnterchangeable or replacing pan numbers appear rn the Disposition column to the right of the non serviced pan where the symbols MW and RB apply For items having a pan number preceded by the Syl 1l Olt in tire Drsposrtion column the replacing part is to be ordered under the Ford Parts and Service Dl l1 l01liS Supplier Parr Number Direct Ship Prograrn utilrrring the supplier s part number and the unique 9000 series prefix 1t should be noted that each prefix references a Supp l1erlPro ra1n as sliown below Prefix Qiptjgrr Progranj 9264 Federal Mogul Transmission 8 Rear Axle Oycrhaul Kits 9342 KB1 Cold Weather Starring Systems A pound sign following a part nunilier in the Drsposrtron column signifies that the part nurnber has been subsequently replaced by another part number which appelars irnniedrately below the original replacirrg part number E AM1 1 E Part Nunibi rwwrvi VwrrDis p nion i ri D8BZ 11 E RB DQBZ 10 17r i ff EOBZ 1007 13 An asterisk 1 following a part number inthe Drsposrtron column signrfrezs that the replacing part number is now Not Serviced and Nor Replaced E A 11 1 E i F rYt1ih 6 g PCEiiiEE HTD HJ DBSZ l13 lrG RB DBSZ 1130 R 112 l1 I1l 11 SEl11 J g Zl following a pan nuiiiber in the i Di S lS11lO1lii column is a sy mbol for the nord and which signifies that more than one part number is requrred to replace the original pan number EX 1V1 PLE i HH 1 gjV VEQQM 1 if D9AZ 3083 B RB D9AZ 3020 C D9AZ 3083rC Part numbers in the Drspositron colunrn which do not have a symbol appear in theDea1er sF r1ce List Refer to that publication for the current serv ice status O S 1 information is provided on Reader transparencies for Ford Parts and f CC SSU1 1 55 d1Ei L 1l lllH11 5df10l l1 January 1 1959 and Linco1n Mercury Pans and Accessories drscorrttnued from April 1 19615 NOTE All Body items includrng Sott ifrinr which were previously offered tor servrceiand no longer appear 111 the Dcaler sPr1ce List or in an 0 5 1 Catalog are ol olete and not replaced Items which are obsolete and replaced are publashed in the O S 1 Catalog when stock of the replaced parl rs depleted For obsolescence supersedence and interclrargealrilrty information previously published refer to the following PlER1t 1 1l W111C 1r1 O S 1 QZFUCLQS 151 O1i1 f 1 EQg AE EFFECQQE FORMS Ford L1r1 olnVMercuty July 1 19811 thro current FPS 763275 dated July 1993 Ford 8 1 in olnrMercury Ja iuarj l l9o7 thru January 1 1980 FPS 7fi32 4 dated January 1980 Ford Only January l 960 thru June 1 1967 ZFPS 7fi32 3 Vol 3 dated July 19f17