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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 SOFT TRIM 1 DATA SECTION A TRUCK SERIES TOO 500 INSTRUC l I0l tlS Determine correct Group Number by referring to an appropriate illtistration in the Interior Trim Section of the Illustration Catalog Form FP 80 B or to the Soft Trim Inder of this catalog Idnetlfy Model Body Type and Trim Code by referring to 1 973 Wa ranty Rating Plate Codes If Q 1 i i Z 2 i 2jiZi izii gzsgxrzz e erze 2 i e smia FD e ea llf 7 T wvrvz 3 64 Ape IN K I p iY z Il5 7 gf i M Jf d MU 5 e i f WAl 51Al J i wi A QQl AT MRE reffgym Hyg 4 f L j g NG X Qi Z I W Ei LQULQQ Mrgy g Y ygkmgz AXLE r lE T YQf i CQQTQ iTj fjj hj ll L ce 2 eee t e c eeeeet t c 2 32 eece t c c cc 2 ea 2x c t t c c z2 j I EI i f Y fiIEE e e i F E fi 1 Ei t c e L l f5 II Elia I Q TRIM czooe REFER TO THE IZIZDIDES LISTED ON THE FIZ l l OWING PAGES AND USE THESE CODES TO DETERMINE SEAT COVE lll PART NUMBERS ALSO REFEER TC THE GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION OF THIS CATALOG FOI INTERPRETATION OF BODY TYPIE CODES P 828O The 1973 Soft Trim Catalog consiszs of 1 Trim Scherre Codes and Swatches Data pages 3 thru 5 B C D E and F 2 Listing of Soft Trim Parts for all Econoline E100 SOO and Truck F100 BOO TRIM SCHEME CODES and Slll A Tl lHES Consists of 1 Listing of Tr m Scheme Codes arranged in order of series and body types i e E1 O 82 etc 2 Colored Swatches idehtifted by a number besicle the swatch How to use 1 ldent ify Body Type and Trim Code and apply this information to listlng of Trim Scheme Codes 2 Determine Swatch identification Numbers and re er to Colored Swatches on Page B etc 3 Locate appropriate swatches to verily the color anu Colored Swatch pages are primarily for verification cf co or anzl or pattern and do not indicate the type or weight of material For example to deterninne which Swatches make Lip Tr m Code 13 on E100r300 82A refer to Page A3 As swown on Page A3 E100 300 82A Trim Code 13 indicates Bolster material Swatch No 1lb and cashion and back material Swattzh No 43 1 I F c r one BO0 r uTV TRIM scrlsi I I7 i Jtrsr mr eotsree ia J L f g g ig g le1W366 lUiiff E E T ew ji i a are aaev jgijjqp 11 1 t October 1986 c0erFi i iari r 1986 i Fono Moron loeAi tBonN Ml HiGAN COMPANY New Issue