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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
I973 79 1 BODY TRUCK RI J f 70 500 szcnou 000 CABS and PICKUP BOXES f 0 r Fl O0 fit C10 l l H EO YE l No longer available Service details only l TT6 U EY6 The following Cabs are available through service and must be ordered in accordance with instructions shown Refer to part mimbeirs listed below n liE T T iX T OOO Avgjlgble in White only m3 N A M v HooT fI l FF T IMT TIO 072SU R 2 g Oab iiwi 2 2F ai D 9 Tz TGUGOUT A p S T E E1 ed 10785 I with 4 M T 73 79 F100 150 Reg Cab 4 W In 1 1 with 4 M T l Y 77 79 F250 Reg Cab 4 W D I 1 1 From Ser Y40 001 I l wE i f OOO Complete cabs are ava lln b le only in Sand trim and harnionilzing interior colors l 5l E Xk llil Ol Available in White only THE FOLLOWING COMPLETE was ARE AVAILABLE FOR 3E SERIES PAST MODEL SERVICE 1973 79 VEKR l M6oE E T7 Ra mows PART NU W ER T sTs C I PTLI o N ow ZYQTYVSYY it F1H 2i i T kiblQ3jvViiTiOt i 6 F YiT OTWOOM ll OOO WOO4 ll wi Or OO TT with 4 M T I 73 19 F100 150 Reg Cabf 4 W 1 l 1 with 4 M T 77 79 11250 Reg c ab 4 w o with 1 LLL LE i Bi fYLL LLLL LL LLL LLL lL LLLLLLLL L LLL LL LLLLLLLLLLLLl I EZE LLL LLLLLLLL ILL LLL L LLL LI j HI L LLL Doors vW wl9 E il l I lClit cluster 7 7 zum L OLLLL iLLLQ LL L LLLL Q Y Et Eil Ohww OOMM O LLLLL ia YL r i LL L LLL LL LLLLLLL Y i L H V A OOVOOO W LLL2 x 3 E 2 L LQLLLLLLLO LLLLLLL L L Lli 1 e 2sEE e OOO it A O Brake pedal support i 1 ii Wmllr 0ci hinges WW PP N UW LL 2s 2 2s2L13e2 1 P 2Lii LLLi LLLL LLLLLJ LLLLL i e l Y r i KWOM OOO OOOOOO L i e i2 m lmfl frm 1 221 1L re L r LLL1 LLLLLLLLLSY yl 1 Wiper m mS1 Oi OL W lnside cab fuel tank F100 25O 4g Q lj2d 350 onlyL j hiwetyrimxhsashiezld washers PPP V Mgveable quart vv g ws Suyggrwgglslonly 4m 1w i mVmwQutsil n1iE oi hind K O rYr i O VEH i if Floor panizover pfattewnrfm YT LE ge E iLLLLLLLLLLi LL iE itE wLL LLLTOOLLQLLQQ L aeiJE1eLLLL LLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLl LLLLLLL ee2 L 2 EL L L La 2L we LQ LLLLLLLLLLLL L L x 2 1L Le22el2 2 l L L LLL LL LLLLLI LL LLLL i2 iL si ML L 2 W 9Le Q9L es2lxLLLLLLLLLLLL TL L LLLL L lLL L L October COPYFlI 1HT 1986 FORD MOTOR IZ EAF 1BOFlN MlCH1GAN COMPANY New ISSUQ