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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 79 SECTION 197 I TRUCK SERIES IOO 500 fI9C7 O5 8 REFRIGERANT INE REPLACENIENT and REPAIR PARTS To simplify part number determination and complexity and to reduce look up time for air conditioning hoses the following summary clescrilii s the various servize methods I Hose originally used III production is serviced Example Original production part number D2UA I98 3i AA Im supplied for service as part number D2U Z I I835 A as shown on page 8 ol the IDENTIFICATION CHART and on page 7 of the APPLICATION CHART 2 Hose originally used In production is serviced or ai llTIIIiIITIE I hose is available for service Example If a discharge Line is required for a 19 73 EZOO with integral air conditioning with dual evaporator the Application Chart iin page 6 indicates I that the hose assecnbly s serviced as part number 2922 il99IY2 G simplified hose and 2 that the hose Inay be fabricated from 2T of 11 3 2 2 ID bulk hose part number DZAZ I9C708 B one piece of Fitting Code GMI part namber DZAZ I9Do95 AA and one piece of Fitting Code J44 part number DZIAZ l9D695 AJ Air Conditioning hose information is Isted as follows PAGE INSTALLATION Il lfSTRUCTIONS 2 through 5 APPLICATION CHART 6 ard 8 IDENTIFICATION CHART 9 through IO FITTING CROSS REFERI NCE CHART II through I7 Il lore detailed instructions are included with the IDENTIFICATION Cl IARI APPLICATION CHART and FITTING CROEiS REFEF ENCE CHART OCt0lD9r 1986 l986 FORD M0tc I tj Eiiglzocimi MICHIGAN COMPARW New Issue