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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 79 section 144 s TRUCK SERIIEZISY JUDO 500 L ENGINE YEAR MOlDEL RESTRICTIONS VIL C I D PART NUNIBIER DESCRIPTION QTY C C D I E4401 WIRING ASSfLg l IBUMENT PANEL ljLE glQQ C0nt d 75 B F500 84 Fr orn Ser b 8 All DEiTZ 14401 lP 1 WOO OOg jim B Fsool84 From ser wghyggna All gL jI g 1 lL E100 3pO Qh8 All D3 j Qii Use w arnmeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 lL E100 3pO gh8 All D3 lL j QIj ge w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 74 EIOO 300 w o breakerless f 8 All D4UZ 14401 A Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 i n 7T E100 300 w breakerless igri 8 All D4UZ 14401 E Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights I jL E100 390 w breakerlggjgjipgb All Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 74 E100 300 w o breakerless b 8 All D4UZ 1 ll401 B Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges I i n 74 E100 300 w breakerless ign B All D iUZ 14401 F Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 yL El00 jJ0 w breakerlggglgjggb All v Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 j EIOO 350 g 8 All DE j l Q Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 jL E100 50 g 8 All D5Q g l V Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 yg E100 3p50 gh8 All j l gl Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 jL E100 350 gg i8 All D6Ly QI Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 lL E100 350 Q 8 All ge w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 lL EI00 3 50 g 8 All D7 UL Q Q Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 jL E100 50 Before Ser BIQLQLQLB All D8L I A Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 78 E100 350 w o auxiliary fuel o 8 All D8UZ 1440 1 G Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights I t l l 9m s i jj EIOO 350 Before Ser Blglgpgjg gid All D8jJ Z yl Q Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 78 E100 350 w o auxiliary fuel 6 8 All D8UZ 1440 H Use w ammeter and oil pressure guages 1 t l L l L Q 725 EIOO 350 w auxiliary fuel 6 8 All D8UZ 1440 J Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 tank l L j 7 5 E100 350 w auxiliary fuel 6 8 All D8UZ 1 l40 l Use w ammeter and oil pressure guages 1 tank l l I 7 9 EIOO 350 w auxiliary fuel o 8 All D UZ 14401 Dl Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 tank 7 9 E100 350 w auxiliary fuel 6 8 All D UZ 1440 C Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 tank 7 9 E100 350 w o auxiliary fuel 6 B All D UZ 14401 Bl Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 tank 7 9 E100 350 w o auxiliary fuel 6 8 All D9UZ 1440 A Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 tank lL F100 350g81i g 8 All L yl Bg v Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 73 F100 350 81 w o diagnostic 6 8 All D3TZ 1440 S Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges 1 s stem v lL Faso 84 Before ser sgL g g 8 All Digyl4g g 1 lL Faso 84 From Ser Spggg gse All Dggglglglijgggigjl 1 i LQ FSOO 8 Before Ser W L it g 8 All I 7 4 F100 350 81 w o 6 8 240 300 D4TZ 1440 C Use w ammeter and oil pressure warning lights 1 breakerless ign 302 360 390 74 F100 350 81 w o i6 8 240 300 D4TZ 1440 Cl Use w ammeter and oil pressure gauges I breakerless ign l 302 360 t l 390 Tgtober 1986 I 75lm ioHT 1986 Foam MZHS T l 5 coivimlw New Issue