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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 7 9 section 95 1 TRUCK SERIES 100 500 Q g 9B509 jltefer to group 9510 for Carburetor Parts List Insggggg g 5 i6 7 T HOW T0 IDENTIFY CARBURETORS ANlD IRIELATED PARTS To facilitate the identification of service parts for a specific carburetor parts lists or bills of material are provided in Section 95 19 and up of this catalog for each carburetor assembly lit is necessary first to identify the carburetor assembly per the instructions that follow Carburetors can be identified by the stamping number shown on the carburel or or on a metal tag attached to the carburetor Each carburetor for 1973 models has an identification tag An illustration and explanation of the carburetor identification tags are shown on Page 2 of this s ecl ion lf either the tag or stamping identification number is known the related carburetor and carburetor parts list numbers can be determined from the Chart beginning on Page 2 of this section Carburetores and their parts lists can also be identified by Engine Model Year etc in the Carburetor Application Chart beginning on Page 16 of this section Also shown in the Carburetor Application Chart is the page number for a typical parts illustration for each carburetor assembly Carburetor illustrations are shown in illustration Section 95 o l Form FP Ell l B Parts lists are grouped by type and engine and each group of related carburetor parts lists is shown in at separate section The section number can readily be iclentified with the carburetor parts list number as shown in the following example Carburetor Engine Parts List Catalog Type No of C I D Number Section No Cyls Carter 1 B 6 240 30il 3 3A 33B j33C etc 95 33 Ford 2 B 8 302 29A 2 9B 129C etc 95 29 Ford 2 B B 360 390 30A 3 0B 30C etc 95 30 For ready reference kit part numbers are shown with the carburetor identification guide A listing of components for each kit is shown in Section 95A Refer to the Index at the beginning of Section 95A for page number of service kit Carburetor attaching parts are shown at the beginning of their respective parts lists To identify the parts for a specific carburetor it is only necessary to refer to the related parts list and parts illustration An Alphabetical Index showing a cross reference between noun description and Basic Group number is located at the beginning of this catalog IIWPTJRTANT ALwAvs FUlP NISlT Ai i Roi R1ATE wKH KEW Ti ATE mi oRiviAT1oN and oso Nuiviean IF AlPF LICAl3 LE WHEN ORDERING PARTS NOT LISTED IN THE CATALOG October 1986 Tzoprnicawroisso Fono MOE TE IE RN MlCHIGAN cc Mi Ai 1v New Issue