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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 7 E9 SECTION 90 27 TRUCK SERIES 100 500 ARI MODIEI RESTRICTIONS PART NUMl I DESCRIPTION l TY i24lLl i lA1 AL 73 F350 Super Camper DBTZ 924D A D9TA 9B100 AA side use w aft axle fuel tank R H 1 Q 50 350 Crgw Cab Q Q l l1 aft axle tank 1 J3L7g M450 500 X D3TZ m Usejyl 60 allon fuel tank not re laced 1 73 F350 Super Camper 39909 SL7 0 269 D screw heat shield to frame hex 2 ggLl gr l1ead self ta in 5 16 18 x 3 4 j271 JQTER Algtllt lllltlll IENT Less instru L n 1uImm 1 2ig 1 QG2Q QTUBE ASSY QQ EDR RETURN 74 F100 350 2 W D D4TZ 96271 A Use with dual fuel tanks with dual canisters 1 g ELOO 4 yl 0 8 cyl zgglgy V 1 75 76 5100 150 4 w 0 X D5TZ g l y 1 75 77 5100 6 cyl DSUZ 96271 E 1 75 77 E150 350 6 cyl Calif emission 1 77 E100 8 cyl 1 77 E150 350 8 cyl 351W 1 Calif emission 00 6 QL i t g L n leaded fuel 1 75 77 Eiloo 8 cyl DSUZ 90271 C 1 75 76 E150 350 8 cyl Ca if emission 1 77 eilso zso 8 cyl 460 1 Q 22 n L 77 F150 250 4 W D as cyl D7TZ 9G2 71 I 1 sU1 1L 7 77 F150 4 W D 6 cyl Calif D7TZ 9G2 71 F 1 emission l 77 F250 4 W D 6 cyl 300 1 Calif emission l m E 78 E100 6 cyl 300 8 cyl 351W D8UZ 96271 I3 Use with unleaded fuel 1 78 E150 350 6 cyl 300 8 cyl 1 351W Calif emission 78 E 250 350 8 cyl 460 1 Calif emission 79 E100 250 8 cyl 351W 1 79 E350 8 cyl 351W Calif 1 emission 79 E100 250 6 cyl 300 1 JEL E SJ1 Y l 7 1 79 E250 8 cyl 460 1 D9TE 96271 AA llVl l l OVlS E CU1 1 pc 3 B steel tube 1 79 E350 8 cyl 460 Calif l 22 1 2 long from 870 2269 A 1 pc 1 emission l 1 4 steel tube 21 3 8 long from 91A 2269 1 pc 3 16 steel tube 21 long from l EIC 12269 1 pc 3 8 steel tube 28 1 2 long fron BZIQ 2269 A and 2 pcs 3 8 l D l A rubtgegiose 4 1 2 lon from D8PZ 12226 B l 79 F150 250 4 W D 6 cyl D9TE 9G271 3A lmprovise cut 1 pc 3 8 steel tube 1 300 and 8 cyl 351M 400 18 5 8 long from B70 2269 A 1 pc l 79 F350 4 W D 8 cyl 351M 1 4 steel tube 19 long from 91A 2269 1 400 and 1 pc 3 16 steel tube 17 5 8 long i 2 L 22 9 Jl272 AQGE A 11 PBE U RE lN TRUMQl 1wlE 1l l11 e B7 927 3 1 gsoo F350 F500 DOHZ g W 1 721 74 E100 300 C7TZ 9273 B 1 ALE L T 73 77 F100 350l81 85 Befclre Ser 80 001 D3TZ 9273 A Has red pointer use with miles 1 75 77 E100 350 Before Ser l 80 001 r bE1UZ 927 3 Al 8 86 only speedome I 1 l OCTOBER 1986 coevlzlohr 2 was Font Nl lOl2 oeaeaolery MICWGAN l company NEW ISSUE