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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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2 secnon 48 3 1973 7 9 TRUCK SERIES 100 500 COUPLING SHAFT PARTS LIST c0nt d For Model A lication refer to Section 48 1 a e 1 TY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION TY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION WV V Wi PARTS LISTNO 9 PARTS LIST N0 48 I B6TZ 463S A Universal joint I CSTZ 4635 G Universal oint i i H wi r r i r b CBAZ 4635 E I CSTZ 4805 A Bearing baffle I D4TZ 4800 A Support assy center bearing 1975 I DOTZ 4808 A Center su ort W K i l b DQTZ 4800 A I1 77 I DOTZ 4840 A Bearin shaft su ort gi3ST 4805 A Bearing b e 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A PARTS LIST N0 S4 I XDQTZ 4808 B i r support I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A 1 B6TZ 463S A Universal joint I XQBTZ 4826 A Su ort sleeve r b CBAZ 4635 E I DQTZ 4831 B Bearing bracket s acer to I D4TZ 4800 A Support assy center bearing 1975 I XQTZ 4831 C Bearing bracket s acer bottorn Im rovise r b D9TZ 4800 A II 77 I sg DZTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support I973 74 I BST 480S A Bearin baffle I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A i i r b D4TZ 4800 A I DOTZ 4808 B Center su ort I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I C6TZ 4865 A Flan e rear universal oint I BST 4818 A Retainer 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A ifiw PARTS LIST NO 17 I C9TZ 4826 A Su ort s eeve 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I B6TZ 463S A Universal joint I D2TZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support I973 74 j r b C3AZ 4635 E r b D4TZ 4800 A I D4TZ 4800 A Support Assy center bearing I975 I C6TZ 486S A Flan e rear universal oint Ar 6 DQTZ 4800 A 11 77 PARTS LIST N0 56 L BST 4805 A Bearing baffle 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I CSTZ 4635 F Universal oint Front i1i V KQ lL 48O8 B Cyr su ort I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I B6TZ 463S A Universal joint rear Ii iBST 4818 A Retainer 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A 1 CSTZ 4841 F Sli oke LLQBTZ 4826 A Su ort sleeve 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A PARTS LIST NO 61 I 8ST 4835 A Support bearing co ar I973 74 Also serviced in DZTZ 4840 B Bearin l it v r b D4TZ 4800 A I B6TZ 463S A Universal joint I DZTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft supp0rt I973 74 r b CBAZ 4635 E r b D4TZ 4800 A I D4TZ 4800 C Su ort ass center bearin I975 M W Aww PARTS LIST N0 18 I BSO 4805 8 Bearin baff e l973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 C iI i i 46 S C Universal joint I C1TZ 4808 A Center support 1973 74 I D4TZ 4800 A Support assy center bearing I975 r b D4TZ 4800 C r rr r b D9TZ 4800 A II 77 I BSOH 4818 B Retainer I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 C X BST 480S A Bearing baffle 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I BSQH 4826 8 Support s eeve I973 74 DOTZ 4808 B Center su ort 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A r b D4TZ 4800 C I x BST 4818 A Retainer 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I C1TT 4835 A Support bearing co lar 1973 74 r x C9TZ 4826 A Su ort sleeve I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A r b D4TZ 4800 C I DZTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support I973 74 I B5TZ 4840 B Bearing shaft support 88508 r b D4TZ 4800 A r b D4TZ 4800 C w M i PARTS LIST NO 19 PARTS LIST N0 64 I B6TZ 463S A Universal joint I C4SZ 4635 8 Universal Joint r r M r b CBAZ 4635 E r b CBAZ 4635 G I D4TZ 4800 A Support Assy center bearing I975 I D4TZ 4800 A Support Assy center bearing I975 r i i i r b DQTZ 4800 A II 77 r b D9TZ 4800 A II 77 i XB ST 48QS L Bearing baffle 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I BST 4805 A Bearin baffle 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A x DQTZ 4808 8 Ceyr support 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I DOTZ 4808 B Center su ort 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I X BSL 4818 A Retainer 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I BST 4818 A Retainer 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A 1 XC9TZ 4826 A jupport sleeve 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A 1 DOTZ 4826 A Su ort sleeve I BST 4835 A Support bearing coIIar I973 74 I BST 4835 A Support bearing collar 1973 74 fi j ri 4V j 800 A r b D4TZ 4800 A I DZTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support 1973 74 I D2TZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A r b D4TZ 4800 A i PARTS LIST NO ZS PARTS LIST N0 65 1 4635 A tgversal joint I CSTZ 4635 F Universal joint I D4TZ 4800 A Support assy center bearing 1975 I B6TZ 4635 A Universal joint j r wj W r 6 oorz 4eooAA 11 77 1 B5T 4637 A Washer WIWXBSI QS A Bearing bgjle 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I D4TZ 4800 A Support assy center bearing 1975 r 1 AX X Q Q Q8 B Center s1Qp6rt 1 a7a 74 r b D4TZ 480oAA r b D9TZ 4800 A 11 77 n gjl Tw 4 g8 Ajj R t aaner 197ygg D4TZ 4eoo A 2 BST 4805 A Bearing baff e I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A IW i Zf iT f lEQ l jypg y gy74 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I DOTZ 4808 B Center support I973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A I BST 4835 A Support bearing ollar I973 74 I C9TZ 4826 A Su ort sleeve 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A V i ifr ii f r b D4TZ 4800 A I D2TZ 4840 A Bearing shaft supp0rt 1973 74 I DZTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A i i mi M M r b D4TZ 4 o0 rA I C6TZ 4865 A Flange rear universal joint I S OIT 4866 Flange yoke front