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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 79 section 40 1 gis TRUCK SERIES 100 500 QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ETYL j ART NUMBER DESCRIPTION DANA SPICER 61 1 61 2 REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST NC 186 Cont d l i 1 D7TZ 4033 C Cover it axle housing 4067 Differential and pinion shim kit Consists of also serviced in kit group 4209 1 20373 lover ZL jg C4lTZZ 4067 F Exc axle ED D6TA JZA 1 38615 3 oz Silicone gasket D8TA GA LC AFA D9TA AHA AV A BAA 10 C6TZ 4346 C Bolt BRB BRC BYB BVC CAA CAB CJA 1 FW gg Instruction Sheet r b D7TZ 4067 D 5 81 10 34807 S8 X 66 Lockwzggl 8 Consists of 1 353051 S PE32 Plug l ggteel 3 4 14 1 C5TZ 4036 B Gasket L 87058 S PPj 9 H Plug l L rubber 1 1 B 2 B5D 4067 A 003 Shim 1 CSTZ 40358 Gasket cover to housing 2 B5D 4067 B 005 Shim also seggg in kits groug 4033 4067 4215 2 B5D 4067 C 010 Shim 4067 Shim differential bearing serviced 2 BSD 4067 D 030 Shim in kit ggig 4067 3 B5D 4109 A 0O3 Shim 4067 Bearing adjusaating shim kit diff 3 B5D 4109 B 005 Shim also serviced in kit group 4204 5 2 BSD 4109 C 010 Shim 1 C4TZ 4067 B Exc axle ED D6TA JZA DBTA GA LC AFA 2 B5D 4672 A O03 Shim D9TA AHA AVA BAA BRB 2 B5D 4672 B O05 Shim BRC BYB BYiC CAA CAB CJA 2 BSD 4672 C 010 Shim r b D 7TlZ 4067 C 11 80 2 B5D 4672 D 030 Shim Consists of 1 354845 S Nut 1 C5T Z 4036 B Gasket 1 372632 5 Washer 2 B5D 4Ci67 A 0O3 Shim 1 D7T Z 4067 D Use with axle ED D6TA JZA 2 BSD 4067 B 005 Shim D8TA GA LC AFA D9TA AHA AV A BAA 2 B5D 4067 C 010 Shim BRB BRC BYB BYC CAA CAB CJA 2 B5D 4067 D 030 Shim consists of 1 DYTZ 4067 C Use with axle ED D6TA JZA 1 C5TZ 4036 B Gasket D8TA GA LC AFA D9TA AHA AVA BAA BRB 2 B5D 4067 A 003 Shim BRC BYB BY C CAA CAB CJA 2 B5D 4067 B CiO5 Shim consists of 2 B5D 4067 C O10 Shim 1 C5TZZ 4036 El Gasket 2 BSD 4067 D 030 Shim 2 BSD 4067 A 003 Shim 3 BSD 4109 A 0i03 Shim 2 B5D 4067 B 005 Shim 2 B5D 4109 B 005 Shim 2 B5D 4067 C 010 Shim 2 B5D 4109 C O10 Shim 2 B5D 4067 D 030 Shim 2 B5D 4672 A 003 Shim 1 38615 3 cuz silicone gasket 2 B5D 4672 B 005 Shim 1 FW 74 109 Instruction Sheet 2 B5D 4672 C 010 Shim 2 B5D 4672 D o30 Shim 1 354845 S Nut 1 372632 S Washer 1 38615 3 oz silicone gasket 1 FW 74 109 Instruction Sheet 4109 Shim pinion bearing adjusting 9 n 40 7 4200 Differential assy refer to group t 42104 5 Case assy differential serviced 7 7 T c0i YniGHT 1986 Form MOEE EE EW i COMPANY New ISSUE