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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 9 section 22 1 TRUCK S E RI EEST 100 500 PART NUMBER Ignnsistsi of Shoe and Linin I j QIUMBER Consists of Shoe argi Lininq 2200 SHOE and LINING KIT REAR BRAKE For Model Aggliczttiogefer to Front or Rear Brake Paijs I gig ns 20 1 and 22 1 D2TZ 2200 A g rimary Z S8COIICI8I g I g gg200 A 2 22I8 A g2gz 2219 A DZTZ 2200 B gvimary 2 Seconciar YEAR MODEL RESTRICUQQ I PART NUMBER I DESCRIPTION 2201 7 Refelgrntg Rear Brake Parts Lists Section ggjirggl 2208 SCREW BRAKE CYLINDER BLEEDER Aisogggjgt or Rear Brake Parts Lists Sggggnis Rig 22 1 4i i AA 72 Aii I 8M 2208 Ew yyi 2 at 24 x 1 11 jQ 1 73 77 B F Psoo I 8T 2208 vyiggo it 1 1 4 1 28208 Refer tojggtgg Rear iBrake Parts LISI S Secti0L2QLL L2 Q 1 Y 4 2211 16 Refer t0 aLB ke Parts Lists Section 22 1 I 2218 9 Refe ar BrgLIg ts Lists Section 22 1 a g gigg g in 2200 kits 2A214 BRACKELQRALIQLFQAL RETURN SPRING Imjyggyge fgrjglb steel 75 76 ivmso soo I KDSHZ 2A214 A E D5HS 2A214 AA QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Tjj g jIJMBER DESCRIPTION 2221 CYLINDER REPAIR KIT BRAKE For Modejygaggyefer to Front or Rear Brake Pa s i ig ins 20 1 and 22 1 B6Q 2221 A 1 5 8 diameter CBUZ 2221 A I I 8 diameter Consists of Consists of i L L LLBL 22 iE B6QH 22211 A 1 3 as diameter DBTZ 2221 A 1 1 16 diameter Consists of Consists of 4 2Qi gA Cog At i j2206 A Boot Q2 DEITZ 22 i1 5 Cup 2 C7Tii 2208 A Boot B6T 2221 A 1 1 2 diameter Jigijggggi Expander Consists of I D3 TZ 2221 B I I Io diameter 2 91T 2201 Cog 2jQ 220 A Boot Consists of C3AZ 2221 A 1 2 22 diameter I 2 i i sTZ 2201 A cot 2 H 2206 Boot Consists of 1 iQ1QQLQ1 Ei Expander if 2 C3AZ 2201 A Cup 5 gZO7 A Boot DZUZ 2221 A I I B diameter CBOZ 2221 C 1 1 Ib diameter I Consists of 2 C3OZ 2201 D Cup vf2 Q 07 A Boot D3 UZ 2221 B 1 1 an diameter C4TZ 2221 C I 1 8 diameter Consists of Consists of 2 2AA 2201 BA Cup 2 B8E 2207 A Boot 1 C4TZ 2201 C Cog LiEQi 206 A Boot Z LBUZ 2204 F Expander C5TZ 2221 A 1 1 16 diameter Consists of 2 C4TZ 2201 A Cup 2 CETZ 2206 A Boot Oi 2 C5AZ 2202 A Cu YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS I PART NUMBER I DESCRIPTION 3 Refer tojgg gjg Brake Parts Lists Sectitgi s j3 tLgnig 22 1 I A ZB224 RET Q Iy gIVI ASTER CYLINDER PUSH RQiD I i var F100 250 2 W D C7AZ 2B224 A 1 73 F250 4 vi D I 1 76 EIOO disc brakes wgggggster 1 ZA225 SPRING KIT DRUM BRAKE REPAIR W For Motgggtgition refer to Front or Rear Braitejfjargs Listggection 20 1 and 22 1 mZL12y eEEL i Qi2 E 1K w H 1 12 Consists of 4 C6TZ 2035 A Spring 2 CoTZ 2049 A Spring 12 L o g g 2J W A K w i Consists of 2 COIViM 2035 A Soring 2 COMM 2036 A Spring I Instruction sheet 2 CBAZ 2035 A Sym 2 CISS 2049 A mng October 1986 oi rniorn e tooo rono Moron ot AnoonN Micmoam comparw New Issue