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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 79 SECTION 20 5 TRUCK SERIEf 100 500 YEAR MODEL RESTRICTEE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Z Ti 2048 9 Refer to Propt L Rear Elrake Parts Lists Sections 2Qg g 1 2051 Refer to Fropigike Parts Lists section 20 1 ji i 2A 51 e Em SUPPORT CZjY 7jZZw j Cj 76 77 B P500 C8TZ 2A051 B 1 2052 A Refer to Proppyike Parts List Section 20 1 2B052 TUBE BRAl 0STER CONNECTING U Tw Improvise frolbg tubing 2269 and improvise insul pgrg jrppT yj 1ber hose friction tape etc 2053 f Refer to Prop Rear Elrake Parts Lists Sectiog 2 0 El1 i i 2055 Refer to Reaggw Parts Lists Section 22 1 p i 2061 2 Refer to Prop iRear Brake Parts Lists Sections 2 l iE 2063 TANK ASSYE iKE AIR REsERvo1R ii i 1 73 76 B500 split H V brakes TWAA 2063 A 7 3 4 23 3 4 1000 cubic inclTes Order from 1 73 77 P500 single and split H V brakes Bendix Vl estinghouse N0 281835 1 73 76 lVl450 5 split Pl V gyL l 1 77 8500 A s lit HMV t rai i D7TZ 2063 A 1 2066 Refer to Pr0pLlRear Elrake Parts Lists Sections p lQj g1d T 28067 TUBE BRAI TE T GND COTNTROL VALVE Improvise frcmglgglg 2269 and improvise instigitgggjrprpgber hose friction tape etc 2068 9 Refer to Pr0KiRear Brake Parts Lists Secti0ns 2 lEEtq iQJ i 2073 m t1 Em HOSE SuPP R1 ij5iT i 2M j I 73 B500 split H V brakes CBTZ 2073 A 1 L u Q 1L 9 5w w w 73 77 B500 split H V bral es DZTZ 2073 A 1 1 1 72 74 E100 300 C7TZ 1 75 76 E100 35L D5UZ 1 77 E100 35 tL 1 D7UZ 1 ji F100 35L N p C7TZ 1 73 P500 single and split H V brakes CSTZ 2073 A 1 L u Q 1 Tw 73 77 P500 single and split H V brakes D2TZ 2073 A 1 Prom Ser 060 001 20389 S8 E 171 bolt bracl et to side member 1 Lk lL 1 L L mm Etewmwii 1 73 70 P350 400 59T 2073 8 1 E P500 i 1 73 76 M45o 500 D2TZ 2073 A 1 2B073 Refer to B0 gpteI arts Lists Section 23 1 2074 CONNECTORiEE5E PIlPE T0 REAR A i E H0USIlE TEggsabIe nose fittings refer toiqmop 22 69 i 73 77 B500 conventional two speed OIT 2074 B 1 axle 73 Q B500 split H V bral eL CBTZ 2074 A 1 j F350 01T gg A pw 1 73 77 P500 conventional two speed O1T 2074 B 1 axle 44 v 73 77 E500 split H V bral es C8TZ 2074 A 1 pp 73 Q P500 A jingle H V brakg C8TZ 2074 B 1 Ocgber 19 TCOPYPi GHT 1986 f E0R MOT 1PT ij7E TPERN MICHIGAN c0iviRA nr New Issue