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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 Q7 secnori 11 13 TRUCK SERIES 100 500 1977 APPLICAT O l CHART MODELIRESTRICTIONS I ERE PART NUMBER DE CRlPT TY 1130 CAP OR COVEIQWHEEZL HUB C0nt d Q 111 1 1 1E i1 11111 111 1 F150 4 W D 386211 Sil 5B UU 58 J screw ornament to wheel use 12 1111 11 1mi 91m m111 1111 1 F250 2 W D 2 C8UZ 1130 A 11 3 4 diameter argent ggblack Q 4 F250 2 W D 2 C8UZ 1130 B 11 3 4 diameter stainless b Q 4 F250 4 W l full time 2 C7TZ 1130 B 11 3 4 diameter stainlessg bIack 4 Q F250 4 W D gart time 1130 Not available Q Q Q F350 2 KC7TZ 1130 A 11 3 4 diameter argent zgi l blacl not reglacgd 4 F350 2 C7TZ 1130 B 11 3 4 diameter stainlessg black 4 111i 1 1111 1 111 1 i 1 1111 111 1 11 111 1 Paso 400 2 XC7TZ 1130 A 11 3 4 diameter argent zgblack not reglaced 4 P350I400 2 C7TZ 1130 B 11 3 4 diameter stainlessyg black 4 1978 APPLICATQLON CHART MODELIRESTRICTIONS I PE I PART NUMBER DESCRIPT TYQ 1130 CAP OR COVERAKWHEEL HUB Cont d Q 111 111111 11E1 EE1 111 1111 1111 11 E100 150 7 D3TZ 1130 A 10 7 32 diameter argent Ford Motor Co 4 111 11 1111 11 1 E100 150 10 D7TZ 1130 A 10 13 16 diameter 5 openings black ring 4 1111i 1111 11 1 111111 1111 1 1 E100 150 6 D7TZ 1130 F 16 1 4 diameter simulate g blacl 4 E100 150 6 D7TZ 1130 J 16 1 4 diarneter sirnulate ag white 4 E100 150 11 D7TZ 1130 K 7 1 B diameter center ornam i styled wheels 4 386211 S ll5l3 U U 58 l screw ornament to wheel use 12 1111 1 1xrJ1 l 11 111111 1 E100 350 9 D6UZ 1130 A 15 1 B diameter embossed FORD Ford crest 4 111 11 11 1111 1 E250 350 7 D5UZ 1130 B 11 23 32 diameter argent imprinted FORD 4 1 111 11 E250 350 QL2 D8TZ 1130 C 12 5 16 diameter bright wnum black rin L 4 E25OI350 QL2 D8TZ 1130 D 12 5 16 diameter matte jrgsj black ring 4 111 1 1111 1 1E1 1 111 1 11111 1 1 F100 150 2 W D QL D7TZ 1130 A 10 13 16 diarneter 5 ogenintgblglring in center 4QQ F100 150 2 W D 11 D7TZ 1130 KQ 7 1 8 diametekg r styled wheels 4 I 386211 S l5lB UU 58 J screw ornament to wheel use 12 1 11 i 11 1 111 11 1 1e11111 1 F100 350 2 W D 9 D6TZ 1130 A 15 1 B diameter Ford crest ir center embossed 4 l FORD F150 4 W D part time 10 D7TZ 1130 B 10 3 4 diame1 er 5 openings black ring in center 2 1111111 l 1 1 1 F150 4 W D part time l 10 D7TZ 1130 A 10 3 4 diameter 5 openings black ring in center 2 I rear wheels F150 4 W D full time QL0 Front and rear wheeL QQQ Q 4 F150 4 W D art time 6 D7TZ 1130 E 16 1 4 diameter g ag front wheegs 2yQ F150 4 W D part time 6 D7TZ 1130 F 16 1 4 diameter simuIa1 ed nag rear wheels 2 F150 4 W D full time 6 Front and rear wheels Q 4 F150 4 W D part time i 11 D7TZ 1 30 L 7 1 B diameter center ornament For styled wheels 2 1 11 1 1 1m1 111 111 1 F150 4 W D part time I 11 D7TZ 1130 K 7 1 B diameter center ornament or styled wheels 2 I rear wheels Red center F150 4 W D full time 11 Front and rear wheels Q Q Q 4 I 386211 S l5l3 UU 58 J screw ornament to wheel use 12 i 11 11 111 11 1111 1 111 F250 350 2 W D QL DBTZ 1130 C 12 5 16 diameter bright ynum blacl rin L 4 Q F250 350 2 W D QL2 Q D8TZ 1130 D 12 5 16 diameter matte jhjsj black ring Q 4 F250 4 W D gan time Q 1130 Q Not available QQ t i 3 i Yi ir C ieee SOHO ivi010i ii 0 AR T T commnv New Issue