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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 7 9 sE1 1IoN 10 3 TRUCK SERIES I00 500 1007 WHEEL ASSY c011t d HOW 10 IDENTIFY WHEELS RIMS E1 INGES and LOCK RINGS I Many wheels and rims may be identified by a stamping number When the stamping number is known refer to the Chart on Page I for the appropriate service part number 2 When the stampin 1 number is not known wheels and rims and their related flanges and lock rings may be identified as follows al Determine the Iyne of wheel or rim from the illustration below 0 eterniiee he size of the wheel or rim If this iz not known check the tire size and refer to the Tire Size to Wheel or Rim Sue Chart on page 1 of this section This chart also lists the various truck series on which the tires and their related wheels or rims are used gc Whenjysize ofjie wheel or rim is known jj to the Wheel Rim Flange and Lock Ring Chart gpage 41 TYPICAL WHEELS RIMS and RELATED ITIEMS L I ESQ I eeee V Ir R 0 U 1 1 11 s it W I I I 0 4 Q oJ I e E j 110 1 TYPICAL DISC WHEEL TYPICAL FRONT EIPOKE TYPICAL REAR SPOl E VIIHEEL OR HIJII ASIIIEMBLY INHEEL OR HUB ASSEMBLY 1007 1007 on 1 1007 2 R7 ESI 1099 8l1 1ggO IOW OF 1 1 13 1099 91 1000 i 10115 1 1090 j 1090 I 1001 5 of e r lf 1 l Z 4e T ZTgZ 4 F 0 3 N 1 l I 1 l I I I I 1 I 1 1 2 1 1 E 1 10 1 ll l 10 lo il ONE PIECE TWO PIECE RIGIHT HAND S TWO PIECE THREE PIECE DROP CENTER RIM SEMI DROP CENTER RIM ADIUINCEEI RIM FLAT BASE RIM FLAT BASE RIM P 5156 mor Moumsn 1 1sc WHEELS BALL snr Moumsn msc wums fw i 1 1007 1007 5 1015 1015 Q IIO9 1120 R H 1120 Il I l 1121 L H 1121 1 1 1 I S 1 1118RH I J II IIIII 1111 1 0 5 I 111 1131 1 11 1111111 Q 1 1133 L H l 1104 R 1 R 1119 R H wig 1109 1I04 I 4 L H 11 21 L H T MMR Ig 11 08IL I EEMEL FRONT WHEEL DUAL REAR WHEEL mw 1 Em ATTACHMENT ATTACHMEBLI P 5387 I 0 QAJL I IL10 i I I W 4 N 5 orrser I 1 I 7 OFFSET eior Rim QOF WM P 7585 OCIODGI O5 R GI T C1 1986 FORD MOTOR T EE l1RBORN MICHIGAN COMPANY New ISSUE