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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
0 1 GENERAL I973 79 F M IR C SER 6 9 00 500 ACCESSORY WEIGHT CHART for 1975 VEHICLES When addint areessories to your vehicle the total weight capacity of the vehiele or of the M front or rear axle ovwn GAWR as shown on the vehirle Certification Lahel must not he exceeded See the listing helow for the weight effect of the various accessories shown WEIGHT EFFECT Ilbs 1 ACCESSORY TOTAL FRONT AXLE REAR AXLE Air Conditioning 79 83 4 Air Horn 10 10 0 Air Springs 7 7 0 Auxiliary Fuel Tank Light Truck 1 Standard Cub 4 X 2 Ijlon Evaporzitive Aft Midship F150 250 133 W B 1 182 79 103 Non Evaporative in Cab Midship F150 250 133 W B 1 174 178 4 Evziporative Aft Midship F100 117 W B 1 164 57 107 Elvaporative in Cab 8 Midship F100 117 W B 1 145 144 1 Evaporative Aft Midship F100 150 250 133 W B 1 172 77 95 Evaporative ln Cab Midship F100 150 250 133 W B 1 153 171 10 Super Cab 4 X 2 Non Evapor itive Aft W Midship F150 250 139 W B 1 153 45 108 Non Evaporative Aft W Midship F150 250 155 W B 1 153 56 97 Evaporative Aft W Midship F100 150 250 139 W B 1 157 49 108 Evaporutive Aft W Midship F100 150 250 155 W B 1 157 G0 97 Bumper Guard Front 3 9 1 Coolant Recovery 5 5 0 Fire Extineuisher 5 BC 4 2 2 Fire Extineuisher 10 BC Purple K 4 2 2 Fire Extineuisher 10 BC 10 5 5 Floor Mat 10 O 0 Higghway ltlaintenanee Kit 11 5 6 Hood Ornament 1 1 0 Locking Hubs 5 5 0 Mirror 6 X 10 Swinelock 5 3 2 Mirror 7 X 10 Low Profile 5 1 2 Mirror 7 X 10 Junior Western 5 4 4 Mirror 6 X 10 Camper 7 4 3 Mirror 7 X 16 Western 10 6 4 Mirror 4 X 5 Remote 3 2 1 l lirror Panoraniie 1 1 O Pick Up Box Rails 18 1 17 Power Brakes 13 12 1 Radio AM 7 G 1 Radio AM FM MPX 12 8 4 Spare Tire Carrier Front Mount 2 8 0 1 Spare Tire Carrier Slide Out 23 4 27 Step Bumper 78 22 100 Sliding Rear Window 2 1 1 Shock Ahsorbers Super Flex 2 0 2 Snow Plows Mounting System Bronco Meyer and Western 165 220 55 F100 4 X 4 and F250 4 X 2 Meyer 125 176 51 F100 4 X 4 and F250 4 X 2 VI estern 200 291 91 F250 4 X 4 Meyer and Western 220 290 70 Speed Control 8 8 O Splash Guards Front 10 10 O Splash Guards Rear 8 0 8 Trailer Hitch I 27 9 36 Trailer Hiteh III Platform 44 11 55 Tonneau Cover 11 1 10 Transmission Oil Cooler 7 8 1 2 Does not include weight of tire and wheel When tire and wheel are installed add the weight of the tire and wheel to the total accessory weight and multiply weight of spare tire and wheel by 1 3 and add to the above figure to determine the total front axle weight effect