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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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2 SECTION 70 2 1973 79 WARNER 3 SPEED TRUCK SERIES 100 500 TRANSMISSION DESCRIPTION RESTRICTIONS PART NUMBER TRANSMISSION PARTS LISTS 2A THRU 2M A C EFGHJKLM GEAR Low and REVERSE sLI0ING 8D 7100 A 39 s ur teeth 1O strai ht s lines Not re laced 1 84 GEAR and 8Us IING ASSY OUTPUT SHAFT B7Y 7102 A A intermediate 29 helical teeth 27 clutch teeth HUB INTERMEDIATE and HIGH CLUTCH 7105 A 27 teeth serviced onl in ass A8TZ 7124 A SLEEVE INTERMEDIATE and HIGH CLUTCH Xg 8D 7106 B A shifter fork groove located in center serviced onl in ass ABTZ 7124 A RING sVNGHR0NIzER BL0cI ING 27 teeth 8D 7107 2 2 SNAP RING INTERMEDIATE and HIGH CSTZ 7109 B 2 CLUTCH HUB SYNCHRONIZERI use with CBTA 7004 U trans c0UNrERs iARr 10 a2 long 8D 7111 A Q Q m GEAR COUNTERSHAFT CLUSTER B7Y 711yA A 40 31 21 17 teeth 7 11 B2 lon SPACER COUNTERSHAFT GEAR PILOT 8D 7115 A BEARlNG 2 11 32 lon BEARING COUNTERSHAFT GEAR PILOT BB 7118 A 2 122 2080 1 I I0 X 1 5 8II X 2 1 Z Ion gAT 0UNTERSHA GEAR THRUST 7119 Rear ir rIer 1 1 b4 l D 2 5 8 O D B7TZ 7119 B A 2 lugs Qggillo s N0t re laced 3 82 Front also serviced in kit Aarz 78221 0 8D 7119 A N R A ml ROLLER OUTPUT SHAFT Ritor BEARING 8D 7120 16 xv 1590 I 4 dia x 1 lon iNCHRONlZER Assv A8TZ 7124 A A jmjjjl PLATE COUNTERSHAFT GEAR THRUST 8D 7128 A G REAR OUTER 2 5 8 O D x 1 lb thick Not replaced 3 82 1 1 4 tab jlAFT REEERSE IDLER GEAR 4 Ion 8D 7140 A I m QlE AR and BUSHING REVERSE IDLER 7141 Not re l 82 BD 7141 A 2 m I GASKET SET B6A 7153 D A 2 I H RETAINER COUNTERSHAFT and REVERSE 7155 A IDLER SHAFT 3 13 18II X 3 4 X 7 64 13 32 holes 1 7 16 bolt hole centers jglt retainer to case hex hd 3 8 16 3 4 20348 S8 B 77 A tockwasiier zI8 34807 S8 X 66 A m HOUSING GEARsHIRr not m ime B2TZ 7222 A A Q Q njaj rBo t housing to case hex hd BIBII 18 X 1 378 20448 s7 8 83 A Q ijj im Bolt housing to case 3 8 1o 2 3 4 20540 S8 B 93 A Bolt housing to case hex hd 3 8 16 x 1 20388 S8 B 80 4 ilgkwasher 3 8 34807 S8 X 66 5 88 5 1811 BXIGVRAI tm 2495e s78 x 82 A mf QQ Q L2 Lv1B 5 AAII 2 348 S7 4 4 ll H Bolt housin to case 5 1b 18 x 7 8 20366 S8 B 52 GAs ET GEARSHIFT HOUSING not re iacea 3 82 8D 7223 A mi Z FORl GEARSHIFTER 7230 1 High and ir termediate 1 13 1b inside width 2J 7230 A A g1 1U32 shaft length W Not re laced g Low and reverse gear 1 15 32 shaft length 2J 7231 A A wrth 1 16 slot Not re laced PLUNGER GEARSHIFTER L0c E0R 2J 7233 A A 2 U T B2 9Mlil M3Qif1jy i6 009 2 22 NOTICE When the parts list suffix is shown in the quantity required column the quantity is one 1