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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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I I h x r I 9l3 1 GENERAL 1 I TRUCK RIl S M0 500 MM 11773 NAIRRAINTY PLIll I E TYPIICAL Installed in 1 e followinv ocations E500 F350 84 A Right side of dash panel E100 300 F100 500 8l Latch face of left front door M450 500 Right hand inside of cowl P350 500 I Right side of radiator support The Warranty Plate includes 1 Warranty Number first linc consisting of Codes wh ich identify Series Engine Assembly Plant and Numerical Sequence of Assembly 2 Miscellaneous Vehicle Data second line consisting ot Wheelbase and Codes which identify Color oi rlxterior Paint Model Trim Body Type Trztnsmi sion Rear Axle Ratio and Front Axle Capacity 3 The third line consists of Gross Vehicle Weight 1 1tlZ l QI Certified Net Horsepower the R P M shown a Code which identifies the District and the D S O npunber when applicable The codes shown below are listgon pigs 20 thru 71 wan FIRST LINE F25YL QOO00I WARRANTY NUMBER 25 Q ji QOOOOI same coos Ii InlM2sIIcAc s sotI nr r os Assemsecv ENGINE CODE v L e Asaszmsecv I I ANT cows F25 F250 Series Y 8 cyl 360 21 B Engine L Assembled at Michigan Truck Plant QO0O0l I First unit built at Mi hi g an Truck Plant sss O t TORSi tUAL sore EQU REQ i r AtliGVW e tom cnacmss C E Il 1 J il i 3J VM G 2il tw nIzxI I v No AIosouA1I iInssusooron Axis I oxoINos we fZOLOR Mgosi E o r W I x g Axis i i Eo 2 E s EeQ 2 V jfE ELEEQ l EjEQEEXXEEQQEEEEQEEJ TQ i5 E o PA10319 SECOND LINE I3I MB F25O K34 G 38J MIESCZELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA I3I MB F25O K3 4 G 38 J V t I T I T wasssscmss I Wroom Axe cose BODY COLOR Igggg if rrrr iw H W t L err A A i REAR AXLE R TlO IZ i 9E Moog coI er r i t sesr A as teANsMIssIor I coo TRIM CODE V V V VV V7Vr YVYVV sri V VV V ElCDY TYPE CODE 131 131 Wheelbase MB White lower body M and Light Blue upper body B F250 F250 unit with necessary equipment to rate the given G V W K3 Medium blue all vinyl on Ranger XLT Refer to appropriate Soft Trim Section for complete znstrtictions and trim code listinI 4 Conventional Cab with Styleside Pickup G Automatic Transmission 38 Rear Axle Ratio of 3 73 and a capacity of 5 3M Dana Spicer model 60 J 5M Front Axle with power steering THIRD LINE 7500 A8 ADDITIONAL MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA 7500 Gross Vehicle Weight ozt 7500 lbs 48 Detroit District and l S fl number when applicable Refer to page 12 complete D S O expla11 11ii oIn October 1986 c oPYsiiE r 1986 A sono MCE l TT HDEAREBORN MICHIGAN COMPANY New Issue