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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
t II I973 MV GENAERQM s V Y OR A TRO I SERIES N70 500 HOW TO USE THIS A TALOC nr d BY 1DEN7K1FICoAT101i Certain parts and most major assemblies are identified with apart number shown on an attached tag or plate or on the part itself Reference to identification numbers is made throughout the catalog and cross reference charts are included in some sections to provide immediate knowledge of the service part number when the identification number is known All identification information other than charts will be preceded by the symbol ft IMPORTANT Identification tags and pilates must be retained with the part or assembly with which they are originally supplied R H undt L l I PARTS The driver s side is the left hzuid side of the vehicle and determines whether such parts as fenders lamps etc are right or left hand Most Right Hand and Left Hand parts are listed in adjacent columns as shown in the following examples D L Rl PART N TMEEE D E CR IPT ii N QTY Pm F1 7 6 T SAW i i TT WT1 T 1 2 E4 ljj E QP3 f2 1 Bli QTl7ijj jif 73 76 F5 L o Qil HQ T2 EEi En 5 2 9 tB 1 1 ll 1 MQLQQR A F I 5 A L E lE so LN b To facilitate the stocking and handling of those service parts which are assigned both service part numbers and Motorcraft Sales Part Numbers the Motorcraft Sales Part Numbers are preceded by an asterisk and are usually located at the beginning of the description column For example refer to Section 96 group 9601 The service part number for a carburetor air cleaner element used on a 1973 F100 with an 8 cyl 302 C I D engine is DZAZ 9601 A and the Motorcraft Sales Part Number is FA 97 ltn the cat alog this item will be shown as D2AZ 9601 A FA 97 iNM YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS CYLTWE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 1 2 EIGO EBQYIHGG TTTTTS STS gTTT3i 2TTT i152Z ZTsTdii ri FA 97 D2AF 9601 Ama 1 zz rn X 1 iiii ll 17 64 D x 2 5 8 high use with DZAZ 9600 B D3UZ 9600 B D4AZ 9600 A www i W wW7 nA iff D4UZ 9600 A B2 LAJ Si Various formats are used throughout this catalog to coincide with the normal procedure for selecting the affected part numbers Most areas of the catalog use a format arranged in the order shown below Column 1 Model year 2 Type of vehicle or equipment within ea specific model year 3 Complete part number 4 Description size etc 5 Quantity required per vehicle Formats peculiar to a particular area of the catalog are generally self explanatory When necessary instructions are shown at the beginning of the affected group For instance the various charts and parts list method of cataloging in the Carburetor Section are explained on Page 1 of Section 95 October 1986 ZOF YRIGrt ct 1986 Form M0Tc R onsaaneorm Mnomeam COMPANY New Issue