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Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Text Catalog FD 9464 January 1964
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FORD TRllI K PARTS szcnou 95 c 635 GYEITIEETOR KIT nuns LEEHE continued B A 9502 A Consists of the following W KW o azi rrrr SBTSGZA im Consists of the following 1 BGA 9447 B Gask et flange Pass only 4 136 9447 13 Gasket 1 B6A 9516 B Gask et throttle body it BBA 9516 C Gasket 1 B2AZ 9561 A Gask et float bowl retainer t BgAE 9518 A Body shaft assy 1 EAN 95G1 A Gasket float bowl t 78 9541 B Needle idle adjust 1 EAA 9569 A Gasket inlet seat Q 4Q 9578 spying 1 B2A Z 9 4589 A Gasket economizer 1 1CM 9681 A Ball 1 BZA 9827 A Gasket inlet fitting 1 34079 57 Nut 1 BGA 9926 A Gasket main well nozzle E l 348O3 S7 Washer 195 5 Only 2 371280 7 8 Screw 1 B7A 9926 A Seal main well nozzle 1957 only 1 BZAZ 9945 A Gasket inlet screw AEDXZH QAHSG A V Consists ofthe followiii rr 7 r wi l l 1 B5A 9502 C Gasket set li 1 BSAZ 9B544 A Piston pump W i i it 1 7HA 9564 Needle seat assy RBA 9502 C ConsiS ts of the fOll0Wlli KK 1 A8TZ QA565 A Valve economizer 1 BGA 9447 B Gasket flange passenger only i 1 BSA 9516 C Gasket throttle body 1 IBZAZ 9561 A Gasket float bowl retainer AKKjZ gA586 B 7 COhSiStS 6TfH rfOIIOrWifhrg frirrr 1 C2AZ 9561 C Gasket fuel bowl i 1 EAA 9569 A Gasket inlet seat E 1 B5A g5 g j Gasket Set 1 EAA 9580 A Gasket pump discharge 1 B5AZ 9B544 A piston pumip 1 BQAZ 9 1581 l A Gasket economizer l HA 9564 Needle Seat assyl 1 COAE QA588 A Gasket spark valve il 1 AOAZ gA565 A Valve ecommizel 1 BEA 98 27 A Gasket inlet fitting 1 B2 MZ 9945 A GHSKM mlm Screw B 2AfZ QA586 A Codsi ts of theTT llowing f G 1 COAZ 9502 C Gasket set 1 COAE QB544 A Piston accel pump 1 1 B9TE 9564 C Needle seat assy COAZ 9502 C Consists H the folDiwineW 5 Wi 4 on 1 BZAZ 9A565 A Valve economizer m1 2T Z WYA586 K Consists ofl T fbHiYwin 5 1 B6A 9447 B Gasket mounting 55 60 Pass only 1 B5T 950 2 A Gasket set 1 B8A 9516 C Gasket throttle body 1 BZAZ QB544 B Piston assy EAL EAM 9510 A 1 B2AZ 9561 A Gasket float bowl retainer B D K N EAM 9510 S 1 C2AZ 9561 C Gasket float bowl EBZ 9510 C B4T 9510 A only 1 EAA 9569 A Gasket float needle 1 BGA 9564 A Needle seat assy 2 EAA 9580 A Gasket discharge needle 1 BZTZ QA565 A Valve economizer 1 BZAZ 911588 A Gasket economizer valve lt B5A 9572 A Cup piston B5Q QH T 1 132 4 982 7 A Gasket fuel inlet fitting BBQ QH 9510 A only 1 BZAZ 9945 A Gasket fuel inlet screw BGAZZ QA586 Ar H Consists of the folloiing WPC W 1 BGA 9502 B Gasket set 1 B5A 9564 A Needle seat assy It A8TZ QA565 A Valve economizer 1 B5A 9572 A Cup piston 9YiQ 9 9502 9 Consists oftlie foI1oMH iiiii or No WGBH KTZf 9A586 B Consists of the folliowin 1 BCM 9516 Gasket throttle body 1 78 9535 Washer operating rod 1 B IA 9502 A Gasket set 1 A8TZ 9561 A Gasket cover plate 1 COAE 913544 C Piston accel pump 1 B5A 9569 A Gasket float needle It B9TE 9564 C Needle seat assy 1 ABTZ 9A5Et8 A Gasket power jet ll BZAZ 9A565 A Valve economizer 1 BCM 9945 Gasket seat plug 1 8EQ 9947 Gasket throttle shaft 1 SEQ 9948 Seal fseveriwr 1i s i e one Az 9cA5ae c esasists of necisiiswiago 5mAM i 1 8EQ 9965 Gasket governor housing 1 SEQ 9982 Gasket throttle cover 1 BGA 9592 13 Ggskgt Sgt 1 8EQ 9998 Gasket air horn l B5A 9564 A Needle seat assy 1 AOAZ 9A565 A Valve economizer 1 B5A 9572 A Cup piston