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Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Text Catalog FD 9464 January 1964
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B t p n 327 I GRD TRtlIOI I AIR TS SECNQN 0 IIO T0 IDENTIFY l RA l M lSSl0N PARTS To facilitate the identification of related standard transmission parts parts list or bills of material are provided in this catalog for each standard transmission To identify a standard transmission part it is necessary to refer to t he Transmission Identification Chart shown on the pages which follow and to determine the appropzriate transmission partslist number The Transmission Identification Chart shown on the pages which follow is arranged by model year and within each model year by the number oftransmissionforward speeds and the truck model series To save space various combinations of truck model series are used throughout the Transmission Identification Chart for examplel MODEL QESIGlQQQjQQN F2 5 Series F2 tjhrough F5 or F2 F3 F4 and F5 F B C500 700 All F B and C model trucks in Series 5 0 thm 700 or F500 F600 F700 B500 B6t 0 lE 70O C500 C600 Z 700 NOTE the diagonal line designates th1 ou li Various identification markings which appear on the transmission case are shown in the Transmission Identification Chart as an aid in identifying the transmission type In the event that the transmission case is replaced and the original transmission is retained it is recommended that the metal tag or plate be transferred to the new transmission case For transmission Rating Plate data refer to the General Information Section of this Catalog Parts lists are arranged in Parts List Number sequence in Section IOA Kit part numbers are shown in their respective parts lists A listing of the components for each kit is shown in Section 70B Sections 70A and 70B follow Section 70 Immediately following Section 70B the Ford basic groups are continued in Section 7 Transmission and related parts illustrations are shown in Illustration Sections 70 thru 75 of the 1948 1956 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Illustrations Catalog Form FD 9465 To assist in locating an appropriate illustration an index is printed at the beginning of Illustration Section 70 on Page l92 of Form FD 9465 For ready reference the il lust ration page numbers for transmissions and related gear shifts are also shown in the first two columns of the Transmission Identification Chart on the pages following these instructions Parts lists are also provided for Auxiliary transmissions Data for identifying Auxiliary transmissions is included in the Transmission Identification Chart folltowing the main transmission listing for the affected model year