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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 7 9 secnon 120 as TRUCK SERIES 1ClO 500 I ENGINE YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS CYL C l D PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY l ic c 0 12405 SPARK PLUG AESSY i C0nt d NOTE Important Canalliarn regulations require that vehicles and other clevices other than aircraft equipped with internal combustion engines using spark ignition systems and manufactured in or imported into Canada on or after September 1 1976 he liperated in conformance with restrictions on rndio frequency interference Use of non resistor 0r no type spark plugs gal cggse such vehicles or gp s j p l1gLpygjl gmpIiance with these regulations 74 E100 200 F100 6 300 BTRF 42 1 AR 75 76 F100 6 300 6 75 76 F150 350 From Ser W00 001 6 300 6 75 76 E100 350 6 I 300 6 75 76 P350 500 Fr0m Ser W00 QQ1 pj 300 6 73 76 F100 350 lI 450 500 0 460 ARF 42 0 75 F100 ti i 302 8 76 F100 exc Calif and ii 302 8 Canada 75 76 E100 ti 351W 8 75 76 E150 350 ni 460 0 7L E150 350 Bef0re Ser XOQ Q91 ji 351W 8 ggp mso 350 Fr m Ser X00y g1 pg 351w ARF i 8 76 F100 Calif and Canada J i 302 ARFf 8 77 E F100 350 Iii 300 BSF 42 6 L ie 300 6 77 B F500 Before Ser O80 001 ti 300 BSF 31 il 6 77 B F500 W Calif emission ti 300 6 r991 77 B P500 w 0 Calif emission lu 300 BSF 31 5 6 1 JL E 9 E 330 B F 0 77 F100 350 in All ASF 42 0 79 E100 150 si 302 8 77 E100 350 il 351W 8 78 E100 350 tl 351W 8 U LOQ L EQ 460 8 lM9 0iTE M 74 All J n 302 360 TKF 30 1 390 j Consists of 1 080 12171 A DP 12 Points 1 D I IF 19D530 AA Wick 1 C9AZ 12300 A DC 13 A Condenser 1 DLE3 i F 12A205 AA Appl JB BRF 42 l Spark plugs 1 Fee a i er gauge yzA406 SHIELD ASSY Q AR g PLUG HEAT 74 E100 300 ti 302 D4DZ 12A l06 l 1 74 F100 w 0 Calif emission til 302 1 LE ll L 302 1 2 74 F100 Calif emission t L 302 D4OZ 12A jp L H 1 75 76 E100 350 p g L 351W D50Z 12A 6 Ap R H and L H 2 77 E100 350 igr 351w D7DZ 12A g6 A R H and L H 2 77 F100 350 lil 351M D5AZ 12A406 A R H and L H 2 400 ilj24l5O covennon ASS K E Nj QlE 2jj 73 75 B F500 6 300 C9TZ 12450 E C9TF 12450 E 1800 3000 R P M incl 1 LQ i gi 300 1 73 75 B F500 li 300 C9TZ 12450 II C9TF 12450 H 2800 3800 R P M incl 1 73 75 P350 500 gL 300 askets 1 12638 WIRE ASSY SIARTIQQLIRCUIT JUMPER l If not l gg t g im rovise from bulk wiring 14296 73 74 E100 300 with C4 trans gig 240 302 D1UB 1 tI i improvise from C9UZ 12638 A 1 5 E100 350 A T gig EI DSUZ 126 36 g D5UB 12638 AA AB 1 75 E100 350 A T QQ All 384E GG 213 Nl c i wire ass to en 9 16 1 OCTOBER 1983 cnevmcnr was rcmu Mom DEARBORN Mnzencan c0 u A r CHANGE 3