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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 79 section 48 2 1 TRUCK SE RIE S IOO 500 COUPLING SHAFT PARTS l IST For Model A lication re g tp g cgJ 1j page 1 QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION L jLAR lwlA BER DESCRIPTION 11 1f 1 AHLQ MQ11 111 1 111 11 11 111 111 1 jr BOTZ 4635 A Universal joint 1 1 lg IZ111 g Universal joint 7 iw T r b C3 E II j D lTZ 4800 A Support assy center bearing 1975 1 jr ilTZ 4800 A Support assy center bearing 1975 11 v 4 r b DQTZ 4800 A 11 77l r b D2 iQ l ZL x T Q Bearing baffle 1973 74 r b D4TL OO A 1 XEQQT QSQA Bearinc lg 74 r la D4TZ 4800 A ZL x TZv QQ Center support 1973 74 r b D4Tlj OO A 1 X IXITZ 48QgB Center spgppgj i b D4TZ 4800 A L XpQ y Retainer 1973 74 r b D4TZ 48OQ j 48 A Retaine l Qg1 Q 1iZ 4800 A Lp x QfTZ v iQ Q Support s eeve 1973 74 r b D4T 300 A KIBQA Suppor e vg1Q L Qb D4TZ 4800 A I j BEST 48315 A Support bearing co larl71973 74l 1 BST 4835 A Support bearing collar 1 73 74 p p r b D4TZ 4800 A p iii j r b D4Q j A 1 jr DZZZTZ 4E liO A Bearing shaft supportl 1973 74 1 lZITZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support 1973 74 r b D4TZ 4800 A 111117 ElZi A1111 1 11 1 1 111 11 11 11 111 1 4866 A Elange ypg L nQi p jl Q Universal joint p i PARTS L jQM 1 j D 1TZ 4800 A Support assy center bearinq 1975 LJQIZ 46 Univere Eii Lii7 4 p ir r b DQTZ 4800 A 11 77 1 DQTZ 4800 A Support Assy center bearing 1975 L jp v iB g Bearing baffle 1973 74 r b D4TE O0 A w r b L ji1u7l L jlQQTZ v jtQ Center support 1 973 74 r b D4Q l800 A Llggl 48gA Bearinppggggglggb DATZ 48oo A L jjL g L gQ Retainer 1973 74 r tn D4TZ 48ig i xQQl Z 48 B Centergppggyggg b D4TZ 4800 A L j QfZ jQ Support sleeve 1973 74 r b D4 Q 800 A 1 XQQI MQ A Retaine yE b D4TZ 4800 A 1 fr B5T 4835 A Support bearing collar 1973 7 4 Llgjiz 48 A itnlwlsggggggb D4TZ 4800 A W pW p r o D4TZ 4800 A 1 jrB5T 4835 A Support bearing co ar 1 973 74 1 jy DZTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support 1973 7 l 1 11 11 E lE i 11111 111 1 1 11 111 31 1111f 1 j DZTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support 1973 74 1 Q jfl1 E Slip yoke 11 1111111 1L l2 i i1 11 11 1 11111 11111 1 QQTZ 4866 A Flangepygg 1 jr C4SZ 4 5Ei5 El Universal joint 1 1 1 1 J LlB L111 11 11 1 1 11 11 zl 111111 1 j El6TZ 4635 A Universal joint 1 jk D4TZ 4800 A Support assy center bearingl 1975 1 1111 11i iE i111 111 1 1 11 1111 1 j O4TZ 4300 A Support assv center bearingl 1975 1r Jgjl T p i j Bearing baffIe 1973 74 r b D4 k800 A 4 r b lEL 7l L gjIQTQQ j jS Center support 1973 74 r b D4Tii800 A LJQQT 4 A Bearirgggglygj b D4TZ 4800 A 1 gjI T Q A Retainer 1973 74 r b D4TZ 48 J xQQTZ 4 B Centei gQpp E b D4TZ 4800 A 1 gjQTZ Q j Support sleeve 1973 74 r b D4 L800 A 4 A RetairE 1 jj Q1 pyTZ 4800 A 1 j Ei5T 4835 A Support bearing co arl 1973 74 L XQQTZ 4Q A SupporLgy g b D4TZ 4800 A Y V 7 r b D4TZ A 1 jrB5 T 4835 A Support bearing collar 1973 74 1 jy 2TZ 4840 A Bearing shaft supportl 1973 74 111111 11 QQI i111111 1 1 1 j DZTTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft support 1973 74 r PARTS LIST NO 8 ij r b Dggjyh L 1 j C4SZ l635 B Universal joint J l3 EL19I 1 1 11 11 11111 11 L 11 1 4fW Y PARTS 1 jr l 4T Z ll 8lDO A Support assy center bearingi 1975 1 j l3 TZ 4635 A Universal joint ir 4 p r ti DQTZ 4800 A 11 77 r4 r b C L Qi 1 A jd T QA Bearing baffle 1973 74 r b D4T l800 A 1 j lZ ilTZ 4800 A Support assy center bea ringl 1975 1 j j T 4 Q B Center support 1973 74 r b D Q 4800 A 4 p er It Q kAL 7l 1 ij j T A Retainer 1973 74 r b DATZ 42 4jj Q5T Aw Bearigtgafggjgkr b D4TZ 4800 A 1p pjgj TZ f g6 A Support sleeve A CenteL ppp QQ j r b D4TZ 4800 A 1 jylB5T l835 A Support bearing col arl 1973 74 jgtQ3T lgl A Retaayyggjpgltz 4800 A Vr r b ocitz qoooin 7 L jL y TZ 4 2 E A Suppmgyjmi 1 gr DZZTZ 4840 A Bearing shaft supportl 1973 74 1 jr BEST 4835 A Support bearing c0 lar 1973 74 p W WW i r b D4TZ 4800r A j p A r b Im j kAi4 k 1 DBTZ l8 41 C Slip yoke 1 jrD2TZ il84 A Bearing shaft support 1 973 74 1 11 11 111 E M1r1 1111 11Q 1jMi1 e1 b 11 1 11111 11 11 1 11111111 11 111 1 11 1 1 OCTOBER 1 98b cor viairarir wee www ivioion Wimnoiaonrri rviicnuaniv ennninl NEW ISSUE