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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 79 siacnou 60 7 1 8 cvt 7 si 460 cm TRUCK SERIES 100 500 QUAAITITY YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS 460 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 IJ 1 ji Q GASKET SET TIMING COVER mi L I lj mLw 9 a T Consists of 1 2I3SZ 6020 A Gasket Frt cvr I C8 Z l3507 A Gasket Water Pump 1 3AZ 6700 A Seal Crankshaft Frt I C8SZ 8513 A Gasket Water Pump cvr l lE12VJ 67IO AA Gasket oil pan R H I C3 XZ 9417 C Gasket Fuel Pump 1 E 2VJ 67II AA Gasket oil pan L H 1 lS 5169 Instruction Sheet 1 l f5VE 6722 AA oil pag Fri AGDO7 ENGINE ASSEMBLY A Current production engine assemblies may be ordered from the local parts d istributic n center by furnishing the engine code from the vehicle certification label or the identification tag number that is attached to the exterior of the lgggine assembly 73 75 1 E C9VY 6008 A 1 GASKET SET COMPLETE OVERHAULI Also see LA gii078 and 6079 r b D5PZ 6E078 D C9SZ 6079 A 12 77 Consists of 1 CBSZ 6020 5 Gasket I C3AZ 6700 A Seal 1 C8SZ 8255 A Gasket 2 I9VZ 6051 A Gasket 2 C9OZ 67OI A Seal 2 C8VZ 8507 A Gasket I l IAZ 641I A Seal 1 C9VE 6710 B Gasket 1 CBSZ 8513 A Gasket I6 C8SZ 6571 A Seal 1 C9VE 6711 A Gasket 1 C3AZ 9417 C Gasket 2 lI SZ 6584 A Gasket 2 D2VE 6722 AA SEBI 2 C9SZ 9A425 A Seal 1 ZiElSZ 6659 A Gasket I C2OZ 6734 A Gasket 2 C8SZ 9441 A Gasket 73 4 lB9AE 6A 0I A DOWEL CYLINDER HEAD TO CYLINDER 74 QL l IL j I j L g l EATER KIT CYLINDER BLOCK Consists of I IZ 6AJ 68018 XA Wire Assy 1 D4 IB 6AOEi6 AA cap 1 l g AZ 6AO51 A Heater Ass g QLtLg4ZQ7 AA clip 6009 CYLINDER ASSY Incl cyl block with all internal parts of the eng but does not incl cyl heads tappets oil pan or cyl front cover 1e 75 79 E 25 350 I I 8AZ 6009 I me F11a2QL I 79 F150 350 I E3UZ 6009 A Use with weighted 6359 spacer 79 Ez EQL I 73 75 F100 350 M450 500 I I 5TZ 6010 El BLOCK ASSY CYLINDER Use with non weighted 6359 spacer or service of block D1VE 6015 AB 75 78 E250 350 I 76 78 Fygl 350 Miiscggg I 79 I 9TZ 6010 DI Use with weighted 6359 spacer or for service of block D9TE 6015 AB 74 F100 350 AR 7TZ 68018 A WIRE ASSY BLOCK HEATER R H li E2 L il i 75 L I ZL l L Lel T 73 E250 350 F100 350 Cl 2VZ 6019 A COVER ASSY CYLINDER FRONT r b E5TZ t L t 74 76 NQQO 500 Il Q llhgt replaced 73 F100 350 it 376256 S BB 545 A bolt front cover to block L E E 9 T Lgt 73 FIOO 350 It I 382129 S B 3 545 BA bo t front cover to block 74 75 ELZJEIO 350 M450 5iOO 2 5 16 18 X 2 3 a L E J L 74 MIQQD 500 J 383963 S g l3 545 BE bolt hex head 5 16 18 x 2 7 8 73 Z 56126 S l3 319 M bo t front cover to block QI6 18 x Z 73 Ei 382133 S2 l3B 429 J bo t pump to front cover 73 6 382134 S2 l3E3 429 M bolt cover and pump to block I gg ile 1e x 4 October 1986 c ol vm m was Foam Moron i eAnBc r iN Micmom COMPANY New Issue