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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
19Z 9 secrioiv 40 1 13 TRUCK SERIEJEI 100 500 QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION E jART NUMBER DESCRIPTIOL I DANA SPICER 50 60lHD 60 3E REAR AXLE SERVICE P AR fS LIST N0 93 Cont d L 2 4215 Differential Parts Kit Cont d 1 D1lTZ 4241 A Pin diff gear shaft lock 7 32 O D 1 D7TZ 4215 C 30 spline side gear use with I x 1 7 B long also serviced in DOUA A E G D3UA BBA BDA D4LlA CYA kits group 4204 5 4215 CZA DAA DESTA Jl B JLB lNB JSB lTB J B KBB l CB 10 C6TZ 4346 C Bolt housing cover also serviced in l EB l iGB Kl B KLB l ZB tAB LDB LFB DNA ETB L kit group 4033 EVB F iB F B GEB GGB KBA KOA l EA i ii l LA l1MA g l Q ii Washer fIat 3 Q I D gJ D A ACE i Fe F1 Al3A ATA l 7 lS BA D8 l ii H l l B 4616 Cup driving pinion bearing also RC TB TC ADA AEA D9TA Al A ALA BUB BUC serviced in kit group 4209 Consists of 1 BSA 4616 B Front HM88510 1 csrz 4oJie B Gasket j g ig A Rear HM803ii10 1 BSD 4 211 A Shaft 1 BSA 4621 B Cone and roller driving pinion 2 DOTZ 4215 A Pinion front HM885 42 also 2 B5D 4 228 A Washer gear serviced in kit group 420 2 B5D 4 230 A Washer pinion 1 BSD 4630 A Cone and roller driving pinion 2 DOTZ 42 36 A Gear rear HM803146 also 1 D1TZ 4241 A Pin serviced in kit group 4209 1 38615 3 oz Silicone gasket 4670 Slinger driving pinion shaft oil 12 3548 46 S Bolt also serviced in kit group 4209 1 FWjgi ruction Sheet 1 yy EISID 4670 A Outer 1 1 4 I D x 2 27 32 0 D x 1 32 2 TCAA 1244 A Cone ancl roller differential bearing thick r b E1UZ 4670 A 10 82 387L 1 E1lJZ 4670 A Outer 1 1 4 l D ii 1 7 8 0 D x I B2 thick 2 BSD 4222 A Cup iiyyintial bearing 3825 1 Cl6 l Z 4 670 0 Inner 1 11 16 l D x 4 1 il O D x 1 32 2 BSD 4228 A Washer differential side gear thrust thick 2 9 64 I D x 3 1 4 0 D also 1 C 41l Z 4670 A Baffle drive pinion oil also serviced sm m L2 2 2 BSD 4230 A Washer differential pinion 4672 Shim driving pinion front bearirg thrust 57 64 I D x 1 27 32 O D serviced in kitjroup 406L also sggljgjroup 4215 1 yy DOTZ 4676 A Seal drive pinion oi also serviced 4234 Shaft assy in kit group 4209 3 5 32 0 0 double lip 1 C9TZ 4234 A E300 R H 30 splines use w single i r b EOTZ 467824 10 81Q rear wheels 1 EOTZ 4676 A Seal driving pinion oil 1 D3UZ 4234 E E300 R H 30 splines use w dual 3 5 32 0 D 1 7 B shaft dia rear wheels also senriced in kit groupgQl 1 C9TZ 4234 B E300 L H 30 splines use w single 4851 Flange assy u joint rear wheels 1 DOTZ 4851 B 1310 size 1 D3UZ 4234 F E300 L H 30 splines use w dual 1 DOTZ 4851 A 1330 size 1973 78 rear wheels 1 D8TZ 4851 A 1330 size 1979 2 D3TZ 4234 N F250 P350 lo splines 1A j lLi 1 A 1350 size Before Ser W20 001 1973 75 1 354845 SEi MM 146 Locknut flange to pinion ale o 2 D4TZ 4234 A F250 30 splines serviced in its iyoup 4067 4 j From Ser W20 001 1975 L Q Sj L Cotter pin 1 8 1 1 2 L g D5TZ 4Q A P350 sg ines 1 372632 S 256 Washer flange to pinion also 4236 Gear differential side serviced in kits group 4067 4209 servicegg it group 4215 i 7 8 I D x 1 5 B O D DANA SPICER 60 60HD 60 3E REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST N0 94 J MQ 4010 Housing assy 4010 Housing assy Cont d 1 D4UZ 4010 C E300 t266 or 28883X use with 1 q D3 I Z 4010 B F250 2 W D 28090X use with D4UA DBA DCA D3TA ZA ADA AHA D4TA BGA 1 D3UZ 4010 A E300 2846 X use with D3UA BEA BFA BKA D5TA JRB lUB l AB l Jl3 1 D3TZ 4010 A F250 2 V D f28084X use with DoTA KCA KFA KHA D7TA A RA D3TA ABA AUA AZA r b DBTZ 4010 G D4TA BHA BMA D5TA JMB JVB JZB 1 D3 l Z 4010 D F250 2 W D 28106X use with D6TA EUB EE YB FBB D3TA CA EA HA D4TS BA EA D5TS BB EB GB JB Do iS DA EA HA 2 T2 2 E 1 October 1986 7EEH r C ieee i rono MOTCE ftiT EIE1 TM Cl iIGAl l corvieahw New Issue