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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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19Z3 9 section 40 1 0 TRUC SE RI ES 200 5 00 QTY PART NUMBER A DESCRIPTION EQL l ART AUMBER DESCRIPTIO IT FORD WDM WEW NCIN LOCKING REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST N0 91 Cont d Note 1 TO OBTAIN CORRECT PART FOR ALL 1979 VEHICLES YOU MUST MEASURE THlE BRAKE BACKING PLATE BOLT TO SEE IF VEHICLE HAS 1 2 OR 3 8 BOLTS AND ORDER PART THAT IS f RESTRICTED WI m LLmRECT BOLT SIZE DIAMETER hW p 10 34445 Sl 30 Nut Eggig stud 3 8 24 4254 Shaft assy T rT v 7 10 373820 S XX 155 A Washer carrier to housing c0pper 2 D 3TZ 4234 K Use with WDM T U AB AC AF g AG AL BF 2 C6AZ 4 3 B Lock pepg bearing adusterl Before Ser A50 001 1973 78 2 350211 88 413 Bolt lock hex head self locking 2 Dt T2 42134 B Use with WDM T2 AC3 AG4 BF2 BM4 1l2 5 16 8 gQLLg dia bolt holes Fiorn Ser A50 301 1978 78 4200 Differential assy refer to group in 2 D4TZ 42134 D Use with WDNl AR AS AT BG SectipL40 A Before Ser A50 001 1973 76 4204 Case assy differential 2 Dl TZ 4234 C Use with WDNl I BG2 BU4 BV4 CC4 1l2 1 yy D2AZ 4204 A 2 pinion r b DOOZI 4204 D dia bolt holes Frorn Ser A50 301 1970 78 1 DOOZ 4204 D 4 piriion ini 2 C9AZ 4221 A 2 DBTZ 4234 E 3 8 Brake backing plate bolt llOTi 1 1979 2 C9g 42g ind 2 2902 4228 A Use with WDM CJ CL 4209 Ring gear and pinion kit 2 D TZ 4234 C 1 2 Brake backing plate b0lt ll0Tli 1 1979 1 C7AZ 4209 J 2 75 Ratio Use with WDM CJ CL 1 COAZ 4209 E 3 00 ratio 1 DQEIUZZ 4234 C 28 sp ines R H use with WEW 197 3 1 B8AZ 4209 C 3 25 ratio 1 DfEiUZZ 4234 D 28 splines L Fl use with WEW 1973 1 yl C9OZ 4209 A 3 50 ratio r b E3UZ 4209 A 10 84 1 D4UZZ 4234 A 28 splines R H use with WEW 3 8 1 EBUZ 4209 A 3 50 ratio dia bolt holes 1 974 1 B7AZ 4209 M 3 70 ratio 1 0402 4234 E 28 splines R l use with Vi EW 1 2t lXj A2 4 9 K 4 11Lqg i dia bolt holes 1974 4211 Shaft pinion 1 D4U2 4234 B 28 splines L rl use with V EW 3 El 1 D3SZ 4211 A Shaft pinion 41 pinion short shaft kit dia bolt holes 1974 Consists of r b D4UZ 4234 F 11 80 2 D3SW 4419 A Shaft 1 DCIUZ 4234 F 28 splines L l use with V EW 1 2 1 E2 UZ 4420 A Seat iWipii gLbolLhol 1Ql4 AiiWi i 3 305105 S Pin 1 CSIAZ 4236 B Gear kit diff side 1 B7AZ 4211 A 2 and 4 pinion long shaft Consists of Consists of 2 C90Z 4228 A Washers 1 C9AW lil211 A Shaft i 2 EOEW 4236 2 iA gg Af A 1 3 S i 4347 Bolt carrier to housing AR 305105 S NN 114 E Pin 4 x 1 3 8 also serviced in 10 DBAZ 4347 A 3 8 24 x 1 9 1b 1973 78 lQL e y1L421 L EL I L 125iAZ A2 j 1 E2LLL 22 2 1or2 C9AZ 4215 A Pinion kit 1 DEE OZ 4420 A Seat differential pinion also Consists of 1 se mgq1 i 0 a y LL L L 2 DSAW 4215 AA Pinion Retainer and tygL iM0gii p L p 2 D0 L4 QLA i Vasher 5 42999 S B 253 Bolt retainer to carrier self y D8OZ jgyb B Bolt l g 7 16 20 L15 1b locking 3 8 1ig x 1 1 iLi V AZ j yL QQQI 162 Wasr fL pgge bolt flat 7 16 2 BYA 4616 A Cup ldriving pinion brg 2 VI88010 2 C9AZ 422 A Cone and roller diff bearing rhW ni ifr0nt OO L r LNl1029 l9 1 25 32 I D also 2 Bi A 4621 A Cone and roller driving pinion M88048 w 2L9 ti1e Q9L4LL L1LL LE LL LL 2 C9AZ 4222 A Cup diff bearing it LM102910 Bearing drivincp pinion p r 2 57 C4 lf D also serviced in 1 V lAZ Q A Retainer driving pinion pjgggp groupi 1 BTA 4662 A Spacer driving pinion brg 1 5 1b l D 2 C9OZ 4228 A Washer differential side gear thrust WV vV k 15 32 long j ollapsibli 1 25 32 l D x 2 27 32 O D also 1 BTA 4669 A O ring driving pinion brg 1L w mo y 1 2 1 EQ 1 Li1 2L 1 92 1 Wm 2or 4 DOAZ 4230 A Washer diff pinion thrust 3 4 I D Slinger pinion ghaft 0il x 1 1 2 0 D also serviced in kit 1 lD AZ 4676 A Seal driving pinion oil rib EOTZ 4l 7 B 11il30i LL21 0 t1Q 1 1 1 1LLLL L1LLLL 1L LL coeviaicsrif ieee FORD ivi H i t EE r1i i MICHIGAN coivipitov New Issue