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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 79 secnoiv 40 1 s TRUCK SERIES 100 500 QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION E T L P i MBER DESCRIPTION ROCKWELL TIMKEN D100 REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST NO 81 Cont d FOR LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL ASSY ORDER ROCKWE L NO B75 3235 Z 884 AS SPEC ORDER ITEM OR ORDER THROUGH YOUR LOCAL DETROIT AUTOMOTIVE NO SPIN DISTRIBUTOR Note 1 WHEN CHANGING GEAR SET FROM 4 63 RATIO TO 4 88 RATIO REMOVE AND USE APPROPRIATE SPEEDONIETER GEAR FOR 4 88 RATIO Note 2 It is imperative thait all 12 replacing bolts and nuts be used as a Set and all 12 replaced bolts and nuts bgemoved and disggglgvhgg servicing the vehicle to avi jlygd gg and cross threading r 4 4851 Flange assy U joint axIe end 4982 Bolt and nut kit driving gear Note 2 1 B7T 4851 B 055 1410 size E2241 1 jr D 5TZ 4982 A r b EOHZ 4982 A 1 TDAA 4851 A 1350 g Consists of L 351165 S8ll Vllvl 85 Nut cgglig 12 1s 1224 Bolt 1 72089 S N55 Cotter gy AQ x 1 2 4 12 Nt 28 1 Not 4859 Deflector driving pinion oil seal 12 1229 C 1511 Washer 1 D3TZ 4859 A Use with 4141 carrier 5200 K 531 1 EOHZ 4982 A aIso serviced in kit group 4141 Consists of 1 D3HZ 4859 A Use with 4141 carrier 5200 D 394 12 15 1325 Bolt aIso serviced in l it group 4141 12 NL 18 1 Nut 1 D6TZ 4859 A use with gat carrier 3200 R 11B8 12 1229 c 1511 washer FORD WDM NON LOCKING REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST N0 88 Note 1 TO OBTAIN CORRECT PART FOR ALL 1979 VEHICLES YOU MUST MEASURE THE BRAKE BACKING PLATE BOLT TO SEE IF VEHICLE HAS 1 2 OR 3 8 BOLTS ANI ORDER PART THAT IS IESTRICTED WITIQEJQOQECT BOLT SIZE DIAMETER 1001 Gasket rear wheel backing plate 4010 Housing Assy Cont d refer gggroiiggl in Section 10 1 D9TZ 4010 F 3 8 Brake backing plate bolt NOTE 1 1979 1177 Seal assy rear wheel brg oil use with ball bearing or timken refer lgrpi i y7 in Section 11 tapered roller bearing use 1180 Retainer rear wheel brg inner with WDM CF Cl3 Cl CM CN refer lgg QED in Section 11 From Ser EC0 0l 1 1225 Bearing rear wheel refer to group 1 D4TZ 4010 E 1 2 Brake backing plate boIt NOTE 1 1979 1225 Lggggg Use with ball bearing or timken 4010 Housing assv tapered roller bearing use 1 D4TZ 4010 B 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt w with WDM CF Q3 Cl CM CN use with WDM AE AM AN 1 QIQ7 jQ Plug drain 3 if 4 with straight roller bearing 1973 1974 4020 Retainer wheel bearing I 1 D4TZ 4010 E 1 2 braike backing plate bolt 2 26AZ 4020 A 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt use with WDM e cept AE AM AN Use with WDM Belore Ser O80 001 w ball bearing 2 I 3 AZ 4020 A 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt use with or timken tapered roller bearing 1973 78 WDM AB1 AG1 AG2 AH AH2 AJ 1 D8TZ 4010 A 3 8 Brake backing plate bolt NOTE 1 1979 AJ1 Al Al 2 BT From Ser Q80 001 1973 Use with baill bearing or timken 2 3I Z 4020 A 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt use with tapered roller bearlng use WDM AM AN 1973 with WDM CF CG Cl CM CN 2 I 4AZ 4020 A 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt use with Before Ser EC0 001 WDM AM AN AU AV AY BA r b EQLQQHIIO 81 v A BB i Before gig O01 IE October 1986 E EicHT e 19ae rom Morgg BEnM MicHicK i c0MPANv New Issue