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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 79 section 40 1 z TRUCK SERIIES 100 5 00 QTY PART NwBER DESCRIPTION E jQL lUMBER DESCRIPTION ROCKWELL TIMREN lD10O REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS l lST N0 81 Cont d FOR LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL ASSY ORDER ROCKWIELL NO B 75 3235 Z 884 AS SPEC ORDER ITEM OR ORDIER THIROUGH YOUR LOCAL DETROIT AUTOMOTIVE NO SPIN lDIEiTlRIBUTOR Note 1 WHEN CHANGING GEAR SET FROM 4 63 RATIO TO 4 88 RATIO REMOVE AND USE APIPROPRIATE SPEEDOMETER GEAR FOR 4 88 RATIO Note 2 lt is imperative that all 12 replacing bolts and nuts be used as a Set and all 12 replaced bolts and nuts he removed and dggcgg 1 servicing the vehicle to airoiiglgjggjggggggg threading 4209 Ring gear and pinion kit 4221 Cone and roller differential bearing 1 ir D3HZ 4209 8 4 63 ratio r b DBHZ 4209 A NOTE 1 1 BEPTZ 4221 B R H 395 use on old style housing 1 D3HZ 4209 A 4 88 ratio A41 3201 U 1713 1 DBHZ 4209 N 5 29 ratio 1 JBTH 4221 L H 3994 use on old style housing 1 B6T 4209 F 5 83 ratio A41 3201 U 1713 1 B6T 4209 A 6 20 ratio 2 BTH 4221 R H L H 3994 use on new style i Q B 6 80 g housing itC 3201 A 5643 S also 12 357007 SQ 4 Rivet gg gggzge 1 2 it 1 1 2 minced in kit group 4141 8TH Q1 Shafijggggig i 1 2 long 4222 Cup differential bearing l C1TT 5 B Pinion Q y 2233 A 10 1 TDAA 4222 A R H 394AS 4216 Bolt differential case use with 4141 arrier 5200 l 531 8 7EQ 4210 A Use with 4141 carrier 5200 K 531 use on old style housing 1 2 20 x 5 3 B end drilled A41 3201 U 1713 Use on old style housing 1 Bt iT 1243 A L H 3920 A41 3201 lJ 1713 use with 4141 arrier 5200 K 531 8 qy D3TZ 421l5 A Use with 4141 carrier 5200 D 3 94 use on old style housing 1 2 13 x 3 12 point head A41 201 0 1713 r b DBTZ 4216 D 1 TlZ AA 4222 A R H 394AS 8 C8TZ 42145 A Use with 4141 carrier 5200 D 3 94 use with 4141 arrier 5200 D 394 use on old style housing use on old style housing A41 3201 IJ 1713 A41 3201 U 1713 1 2 131 x 3 hex head also serviced 1 DjEiTZ 4222 A L H JM 511910 in Kiggjygi use with 4141 arrier r5200 D 394 1 D3TZ 4210 D Bolt Kit differential case use on old style housing use with 4141 carrier 5200 D 3 4 A41 3201 U 1713 Use on old style housing 2 DLESTZ 4222 A R H L H lM 511910 use with A4 1 3201 U 17 13 4141 carrier 3200 R 1188 use Consists of on new style housing C 3201 A 5643 S 8 CETZ 4216 A Bolt also serviced in l it group 4141 8 Dlyiigjgwasher 2 8 l H 4228 Washer differential side gear thrust 8 D7HZ 421 B Bolt differential case 1 2 13 x 3 2 3 B I D x Q 9 16 0 D w locking rnaterial use on new 4 E H2Z 4230 A Washer differential pinion thrust styleygjyig 3201 A 5643 S 7 B l D x 1 3 1 B2 O D i D3HZ 4218 2 Bolt gmggeri 5 e 11 it 2 1 2 g r 0 Eonz 4230 5 10 85 8 34032 S M 9 Nut castle 1 Z 20 4 EOHZZ 4230 B Washer differential pinion thrust 7 8 I D x 1 Q1 32 CLD 2 ZEl 1 2A 2 l1 2 Gear differentigil side 16 teeth 1 DQESHZ 4320 B Nut drive pinion flange 1 l 4 A v 20 x 1 19 32 across flats 4 C Fl 4326 B Washer differential carrier cap bolt 21 22 1 0 it 1 1 1e 0 0 T 1 October 1986 IEEzi rir tooo Foam MCEQF i lEEC Fm 3AN c0Mi ANw NQW Issue