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Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Illustration Catalog FD 9465 January 1964
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192 FORD TRlI I PARTS I N I1 E X ILLUSTRATION SECTIONS 70 72 73 und 75 TRANSMISSION AND CLUTCH Transmissien 3 Speed77LQ ty el C Ford 7 7 7 P 75 770 193727 1948 52 Transmission 3 Speed Heavy Duty Models C D J JH Y T TL W Warner Gear 77 P 927 770 194 7 7 1948 52 Transmission 4 Speed Spur Gear Models CLD Y T TH TL W WH Warner Gear P 348 70 7 jul Transnggion Outplit Shaft Bearing Retainer 7777777 7 P 931 70 195 Typical Synchronizer Model C 77 7 77 77 7 P 954 70 195 7 1948 52 Transmission 4 Speedjelicalgglronized Models T TH TL W W B 77Hrner Gear P7 1096 770777 gy 52 Trgngmiisifm 5 Speed Qyerdrive Models Q QH C1a11 Wm WW P 488 70 197 7 1953 56 Transmission Overdrive Model C 7P 1498 70 198 7 56 Transmissi P 0 199 Trgnsmlgglbn 4 Spged Helical 7 7777 77777777 7 77w777 7777777 PT177g 7g 777 72UOi 1953 55 Transmission 5 Speed Light Duty Direct Drive and Overdrive Models JH T TH THQ P 1568 70 201 W WH Z ZW New Process 1953 55 Transmission 5 Speed Heavy Duty Direct Drive Models Q QH QHS QW QHW QSW 77 P 1392 7 70 277 1953 Models TH WH Clark 1953 55 Transmission 5 Speed Heavy Duty Overdrive Models Q QH QHS QW QHW QSW 77 P 1 07 1953CMQQQ15o I ilHIi v m l w1 omL lim C 6 Transmission Speed Heavy Duty Direct DriV2 Clerk e P 1970 Q 204 1956 yt i in itni s ie ed Light Duty Model C Ford 70 205 1956 T1jra i miss mn andEggtension 3 Speed I hght Duty Models CLQB D J Ford P 3214 70 206 1956 Transmission 3 Speed Medium Duty Models C D Warner Gear P 2111 70 207 1956 Transmission 4 Speed Synehrgnized Warner Gmg 98 A P 3929 70 W 1955 56 Transmission 5 Speed Light Duty Direct Drive and Overdrive Models TH WH Z ZW P 1969 70 209 11 liewll eleeeel 1 rlll lmm l l lo l 1956 Tre emieeie 5 Speed Me 1il 1z lD 2y 1LIILH QlQWg lo lrr or P 1971 170 210 y lcal 7 Auxiliary TranSni7i oE K5 7r 7777 0 7777777777777 7l YY I977 70 11 1954 Auxiliary Transmissign gp ports 3 speed Spicer P 1677 70 Q 1948 52 Treneinie 7iE s7l iit Column lgole gg g A A P 1212 72 213 1948 52 Typig Transmission Gear Shift Model g l Remote Control e P 1214 72 212 EEQE2777 7 lirgismission Gear Shift column Models J Jn Remote Control E 929 72 214 1 Zz 77 7 Ei nE ion Gear Shift e gelet edE5ai te 3 Speed Heavylyty ylidel e Lgl1 ege e Control l 928 72 215 1948 52 Transmission Gear Shift 3 Speed Heavy Duty models C D j kCg1te1 Cogl iA P 930 M 72 216 1953 Transmission Gear Shift Housing Levers Forks etc A 3AS p eed Heavy Dtityi P 1377 72 216 1948 52 Transmission Gear Shift 4 pe ed Spur Gear i 1 352 72 217 1948 55 Transmission Qea ing 4 Speed Synchronized Helica1 Geilr A l j l097 72 N2E 1948 52 Trai ni igiLQear Slgg Models Q QH A iiv P 702 72 2 1 L 1953 Transmission GQQI S fL Housing Levers Forks etc pee cl Light DEQ typical e P 1374 72 Q 1953 55 Tran si gniGear Shig Column 3 Speed Heavy Duty Remote Control W P 1494 72 229 195 fM56 Transmission Gear Shift 5 Speed Light Duty P 1567 72 221 Typieg Transmission 5 Speedlleavy Dm AW W i P 1394 72 222 1956 Transmission Gear Shift Column 3 Speed Light Duty and Me lKun Duty Models C D A7 P 2031 Yf 223 7 Remote Contrglv i W 1956 yansmission Gear Shifterlousing Levers Forks etc 3 Speedwlvledium Duty Models C D P 2112 77 Y 2 7 56 Transmissgn Gear Shift Column 3 Speed Heavy Duty Models J LQHLJ L Remote ContrcY 1978 72 7 22177 Transmisslongear Shift 4 Speed Helical typical 7 P 2059 72 22577 1956 Treiieniieeion Gear Shift 5 Speed Medium Duty typical 1 77777 i77 P 1973 72 TW Q2 sl Clutch endlieleted Part Models o on p 648 75 7 1953 56 Clutch and Related Parts Models C D Y T TH typicEl 77 7 77 V 7 P 1525 75 7 1953 54 Clutch and Related Parts Models J JH7 W WH 1955 1M0 1 1S W QHW P 7 7 1953 56 Clutch and Related Parts Models Q QH QHS Z 7cal 77777 777 7P 2074 M 75 7 1955 56 Clutch and Related Parts Models J Jn w wH 7 7 7 7 W p 27i1i 75 5 S23 Clutch e doBe 1a ts ott Fez m mi iilol lil 7 P 2073 75 7