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Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Illustration Catalog FD 9465 January 1964
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136 ILLUSTRATION SECHON 0 FORD TRIIGK PARTS I N Il E X Ciieiliiiil FC CF CFC FF IIIII GB I RCC TIrLTe RFE CBC I ILLUSTRATION szcnons 60 61 62 cs nnd oo memes 1948 5QT Camshaft Bolton Type Gear Bearings etc 6 cylinder 226 254 engines P 762 61 165 12 53 Camgift Gear Bearings eH 6 cylinder Zlghgine P 1251 61 165 1 Camshaft Gear Bearings etc 6 cylinder 223 engine P 1646 61 165 1948 53 Camshaft Press 0n Ty15e Gear Bearings etc 6 cylinder 226 254 engines P 1506 61 164 48 53 Camshaft Gear Beggs etc 8 cyTi r 239 L Head engine P 773 61 164 engines pica P 1601 61 167 KE52 55 Camshaft Geari Bearings etc 8 cylinder 279 317 engines P 1345 61 166 HEY Camshafgiear Bearings etc 8 cylinder 302 332 e s P 2070 61 166 1948 51 Camshaft Gear 12ear1ngs e1e 8 cylinder 337 neTi 19 751 61 164 CURB i F 4 B 1 FEC 4 i C K CF B 4l 1 e 41954 Crankcase Vent Tube Related Parts 8 cyl 239 256H 279 317 O H V engines P 1342 m 191 i 1956 cH1 eaee Vent Tun 81 Relatedgts 1YWy11E 8 cylinder 302 332 eng1nee 1yp1eal P 2048 1 191 E f2 CF i rGVaK hHi hE erl aHR edT ar ind 1 i2E 22T6n Wl yE l P E2020 63 168 G W48 53 Crankshaft Flywheel and Related Parts 6 cylinder 226 254 engines P 948 63 168 im 53 Crankshaft Flywheel and Related Parts 8 cylilizer 239 L Head engine P 1521 63 170 71954 CIT2 I1kSh3 ft A 6 EBI Eii a7eE9 ar i eyl1nd 29T256 272 1nes Typ1eal 19 2621 63 171 C 2755 c E yhe aHliE d 19ar1 Ey er 279 217 engines 19 1244 63 169 HE56 CrankshaftTEyFv l1e H1dM ted Barts 8 cyglnier 302 332 engines 1ypical P 2071 63 172 i 1948 51 Crankshaft Flywheel and Related13 8 eyl1 g engine 19 750 63 169 71 9 tUr f3 cyEder 6 aHE1 1HEdHrts 6 eyl1nde T i s75i 3 H9 i21 264 eng1nee Typ1eal 19 949 E Wa 1952 53 Cylinder Block and Related Parts 6 cylinder 215 engine P 1515 m 150 195UFi cylY rG 6e 1 l la PH il1E1 1 G 2HeH n L I yp1ea1 W 19 1698 m 153 1948 53 icyllnder BHk aG1 1 1 11 e t G111 2 1ZW g i 11g v 19 771 m 148 4 1954 Cylinder Block and Related Parts 8 cylinder 239 256 272 O H V engines Typical P 1894 60 154 d952 cyl1nder l2 and R d Par1e l1nder 279 317 eng1ne5 1 W 19 1257 60 151 1962 65 Cylinder Bl 1neEYT EEE P 1517 60 152 7 cylinder i2H iaHRe1a1ed Parts 8 cylinder 302 332 englnee 1yp1ea1 P 2066 61T 155 G 192 cylniler Bl6ck and Relafriliarts 8 eyl1n er 337 engine lyp1eal P 749 66 149 CQ 4W 11 A 1952 52 Erigrne 6 eyhnder 215 M65ele c D Y T Tn J J1 l i T 19 1513 E E 4 Engine 6 cylinder 2 i Typical P 1697 m 143 48 H Eng1neC 6 1nder 226 r ls C D iii Tfii ITV1 WH Al P 1107 E 139 1950 53 Engine 6 cylinder 254 Models TH THQ ai U 19 1107 m 139 i 1950 52 Engine 6 cylinder 254 Model WH 19 1108 m 141 1948 53 Engine 8 cylinder 239 L Head Typical l 7 P 1519 60 138 8 51 Engine 8 cylinder 337 Models Q QH A V w Y 19 743 50 149 EQTLT F i J l E 9 9991 2 2 911 V 1191999 W 19 1999 EH 1450 1952 ie w19111991 3 l 1 991 19 Q QH QHS19 QHW P 1919 EH 1414 G 6 iii E 1gines 8 cylinder 302 332 TyBical H W M P 2011 m 146v 11 1 i 1 11 19 7ii Engine Fr0rE Supp0rt 6 cylinder 223 0 8 cylinder 272 It 19 1931 m 159 491 C E1191 9 1 8 12 S 199 11QY199919 C 2rJ1JH Y1 TrEE P 199 EK 156 1981 91 E F119111w1 K2 y11 92 1 M99919 Qr QH I 1 1 l M 1 1999 EK 156 1953 55 Eng1ne 19r6nt Support 8 cylinder 279 317 Models Q QH QHs Qw c5H W 19 1554 Q 158 7 256 Engilgrcnt Supp0rY 8 s 9 9 QW QHW Q SW P 193O 60 159 Ei i 9 E1291119 F19111 11l9199 13 1 1 256 i W9 1 1 9 Z ZWC W E P 155 60 Qi 11 E 9199EQ2 1119 911 9 999 2 M9 1919 Tg W F iiii W P 1929 T1 159 0 F i L 1E119 l19 F19111 9x1 f W191991 7 iiiii F P 15r53 60 15893 2294 3 E 9m9 F19 11 2191 911 9 19991 25 5 I EFEEE F M 19 1556 s 157 11952 53 E gm i 7 E l 9 jE 215 jj P 1701 new 15Yr 1919 91 Engine 1 1951 EH f ji