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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 79 section 60 2 1 TRUCK SERIES 100 500 QUANTlTY YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS 1302 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION j i gioiyg jiA KET ser miviiiic COVER 1 11K ijCIj ozo 12jL 1 1 Consists of 1 9AZ 6020 A Gasket Frt Cvro 1l l 2 OE ls712i2 AA Seal Oil Pan 1 CBAZ 6700 iA Seal Crankshaft Frt or BOE 61i 23 AA 1 EZAJ 6710 AA Gasket Oil Pan R H I D9AZ i35iO7 A Gasket Water Pump 1 E2AJ 6711 AA Gasket Oil Pan L H 1 l 3AZ 417 C Gasket Fuel Pump 1 IS 5169 Instruction Sheet L jjjTIjj Ijl 1jjKl lj 1d1ile11 1l j T t 1 Consists of 1 I 9AZ 6020 A Gasket Frt Cvr l lDE OE i572i2 XA Seal Oil Pan 1 0AZ 6700 A Seal Crankshaft Frt or l 3OE o i 2i3 AA 1 EZAJ 6710 AA Gasket Oil Pan R H I DQIAZ l350 7 A Gasket Water Pump 1 E2AJ 6711 AA Gasket Oill Pan L H I C3iA Z 9 4 17 C Gasket Fuel Pump 1 IS 5169 Instruction Sheet A 6 07 ENGINE ASSEMBLY A Current production engine assemblies may be ordered from the local parts distribution center by furnishing the engine codle from the vehicle certification label or the identification tag number that is attached to the exterior of the engine e1d x1 6008 GASKET SET COMPLETE OVERHAUL Refer to 6EO78 and 6079 73 4 C20Z 6AOOEi A DOWEL CYLINDER HEAD TO CYLINDER BLOCK g g l J 7 1e height x 9 1e I D x 43 e4 0 0 split y t 1 D6AZ QQQ lj ltgATER KIT CYLINDER BLOCK Consists of 1 D6AJ eA01 3 AA Wire asay A DI A 14 97 AA Clip 1 D6AZ 6A051 A li leater assy t l d 1 A L T 6009 CYLINDER ASSY IncIudes cylinder block with all internal parts of the engine but does not include cylinder heads tappets oil pan or cylinder front cover unless indicated 73 74 lE 1 00 300 without T E 1 gi D3TZ 6 09 J N R use details 73 74 JE 9y i 74 lEi1 00 200 T E 1 jr D6ZZ 6009 B N R use details 74 lF 100 T E 1 75 76 JE1L 77 78 1 D9TZ 6009 A A JH L E T 79 l Q 00 250 1 EOUZ 6l 2 A N R use details 6010 BLOCK ASSY CYLINDER NOTE is a casting number and cannot be cross referenced to a seniice nuirnber lt will be used as a means of identification only when casting number is unique to only one hO1O assembly A Nlambgggiggd must lgigtgged Qur oil ick u on some app icgkyg 73 L ADITZ 6lQQ Mt replaced 2 81 M7 1 Z i 2lQ A w E 4 78 tQ L lW 2 A 79 E100 250 1 D9AZ 6010 A R b EOAZ 6010 A 79 QE Q T I j g 1 L VYIRING ASSY BLOCK HEATER 73 L w EL D Z 1 L 74 75 E100 300 1 D7TZ 6lBO18 A ieeA lAEAEW lA h 75 EQ LL L L 1 E ME l Octoloier 1986 T H EdlT 6 1986 i roam ivi0r0n jYT i5iSKF E0nNr rviici4ieAi i COMPANY New Issue