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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 7 7 section 40 1 37 TRUCK SERIES 100 500 QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 L jNQ IBER DESCRIPTION DANA SPICER 61 1 61 2 REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST NO 186 Cont d lM W 2 wE 2 2 2 2 42 4209 Ring gear ancl pinion kit Cont d 4234 Shaft assy 1 08TZ 4209 lE 3 73 ratio use with axle 1 DSUZ 4234 G E250 Rll use wi axle 050A RBARCA 09TA AVA BYB BYC 05UA AB FB NB UB ll ll A ll ILA 08TA GA Consists of 09TA AVA BAA BYB BYC CAA CAB CJA 1 07TZ 4067 0 Shim kit 1 DSUZ 4234 H E250 L l I use w axle 05UA RBA RCA 1 C7T2I 4209 E Gear and pinion 05UA AB FB NB UB lVll A MLA 08TA GA 1 EIUZ 4670 A Slinger outer 09TA AVA BAA BYB BYC CAA CAB CJA 1 C6T2I 4670 0 Slinger inner E250 use w agzle 05TA l 0B E 1 C4T2I 4670 A Baffle 4236 Gear differential side semiced 1 EOTZ 4676 A Seal in kit group 4215 7 12 354846 S Bolt 1 0 TZ 4241 A Pin differential shaft lockl 1 706045 X Bearing kit outer pinion 7 32 0 0 x 1 7 8 long 1 706046 X Bearing kit inner pinion also serviced in kits group 4204 SEL 1 7TZ 4209 lF 4 10 ratio 10 C6TZ 4346 C Bolt housing cover Consists of also serviced in kit group 4033 1 07TZ 4067 0 Shim kit 4616 Cup driving pinion bearing also 1 C6T2i 41209 F Gear and pinion serviced in kit group 4209 1 E1UZ 4670 A Slinger outer 1 BSA 4616 B Front Hl 188510 1 C6T2C 4670 0 Slinger inner 1 EEiQ L6j Rear llNj g0 1 C4TZ 4670 A Baffle 1 BSA 462 B Cone and roller driving pini0n front 1 EOTEK 4676 A Seal HlVl88542 also serviced 12 354846 S Bolt in kit group 4209 1 706045 X Bearing kit outer pinion 1 BSD 4630 A Cone and roller driving pinion rear 1 7060 L garing kit inner pinionl HM803146 also serviced 12 354846 S2 BB 242 Bolt gear to case 1 2 20 x 1 3 32 t gLgupi2Qj also sen l its gr0up 4204 5 4209 4215 4670 Slinger driving pinion shaft oil 1 BSD 4211 A Shaft pinion 5 13 16 long also serviced in kit group 4209 also seigg Lkit group 4215 1 jr BSD 4670 A Outer 1 1 4 1 0 x 2 27 32 0 0 x 1 32 4215 Pinion differential serviced thick r b EIOZ 4670 A 10 82 in kit c g 1 EIUZ 4670 A Outer 1 1 4 1 0 x 1 7 8 0 0 x 1 32 thick 1 7TZ 4215 C Differential parts kit 1 C6 TXEI 4670 0 Inner 1 11 16 1 0 x 4 1 2 0 0 I 32 consists of 1 CSTZ 4036 B Gasket 1 C4TiEI 4670 A Baffle drive pinion oil 1 B5D 4211 A Shaft also serviced 1 group 4209 2 DOTZ 4215 A Pinion 4672 Shim driving pinion front bearing 2 B50 4228 A Washer gear serviced in kit group 4067 2 B50 4230 A Washer pinion 1 1 DOTZ 4676 A Seal driving pinion oil also serviced in 2 DOT 4236 A Gear kit group 4209 3 5 32 0 0 dOl10l lip 1 01TZ 4241 A Pin r b EOTZ 4676 A gL 1 38615 El oz silicone gasket 1 EOTZ 4676 A Seal drive pinion oil 12 354846 S Bolt 3 5 32 0 0 1 7 8 shaft dia 1 FW 74 1g L nstruction Sheet also serviced in kit group 4 2 CAA 124 4 A Cone aigloygeijdiff brg 387A 48151 Flange assy lu joint 2 BSD 4222 A Cup ldifilgejgiring 3825 1 DOTZ 4851 B 1310 Size 2 BSD 4228 A Washer diff side gear thrust 1 DOTZ 4815 A 1330 Size 1973 78 2 9 64 1 0 x 3 1 4 0 0 1 DElTZ 48151 A 1330 Size 1979 also seigglnlkit group 4215 1 lTQL i 1350 Size 2 BSD 4230 A Washer diff pinion thrust 57 64 1 354El45 S8 N M 146 Locknut flange to pinion also 1 0 x 1 27 jEl2 0 0 serviced in kits ggoup 4O67J jg ii also serviced in kit group 4215 Cotter pin 1 B 1 1 2 1 372632 S XX 256 Washer flat also serviced in kits group m v F 1 lQ 2 2 October 1986 7iB vni sio ioee rono li OT i T K iviicnioan 0Mi Aivr New Issue