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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
1973 79 section 40 1 29 TRUCK SERIES 100 500 QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ET L PARTEMBER DESCRIPTION F D WFE LOCKINGQIEAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LISLN 1 1001 Gasket baclsiing plate AR 305105 SlNN 114 E Pin 1 4 x 1 3 B also serv i in Refer tg gg up 1001 in section10 kit groug 4211 1177 Seal assy rear wheel bearing oil 4 DOAZ 4214 A Spring differential clutch 8 coils Refer gggup 1177 in section 11 1 1 16 long 1180 Retainer reeir wheel bearing inner 1 CJBOZ 4215 A Pinion kit Refer ggiggg 1180 in section 11 Consists of 1225 Bearing rear wheel refer to group tj yL4gtE Pinion 4 C90Z 4230 A ist washer 1225 frgggiil Zt0 Q QQ j Bolt diff case seN ocking 7 Mfg x 1 7 32 4010 Housing aissy 2 j Q X 165 J Washer diff case bolt flat m 1 D4TZ 4010 B w Straight roller bearing 1973 74 2 C 9AZ 4221 A Cone and roller differential hearing 1 D4TZ 4010 E Use with Wl E w ball bearing or LM 102949 timkenjiged roller bearing 1973 78 2 C9 1 Z 4222 A Cup differential bearing L 354530 S MM 155 Nut rgtaiggr to hsg lockintl 2 20 LM 102910 4020 Retainer wheel bearing 2 C 90Z 4228 A Washer differential side gear 2 C6AZ 4020 A use with WFiE A thrust 1 25 32 I D x 2 QE 0 D Before Ser Cl80 001 4 C 90Z 4250 A Washer differential pinion thrust 2 D3AZ 4020 A use with WFE A AD AH 3 4 I D x 1 7 lb O D From Ser Q80 001 also serviced in kitjroup 2 D4AZ 4020 A Use with Wl E M 4234 Shaft assy Before Ser SLb0 001 2 D3ii Z 4234 K Use with WFE A 2 D4AZ 4020 B Use with WFE M AF AG 2 D4i Z 4234 D Use with WFE M From Ser S60 0O1 2 D6il Z 4234 B Use with WFE AD AH 1 D3SZ 4026 A Differcmygissy traction Iok L jQlL Use with WFE AF AG 1 D5AZ 4035 A Gasket differential carrier 1 C9 1 Z 4256 A Gear kit differential side r b EiQj 35 A 10 84 Consists of 1 E3TZ 4035 A Gasket differential carrier Z C90Z 4228 A Thrust washer r b Eighjj 35 B 10 85 1 D8AW 4236 BA Gear 1 EBTZ 4035 B Gasketjli rential carrier 1 EOEW 4236 AA Gear 2 B7AZ 4067 A Ad usteL ff brg 2 31 32 16 4 j L Q 323 A Guide differentitg clutch glatg 1 D7AZ 4141 A Carrier asasy differential 2 75 thru 1 ClBOZ 4 324 A Shim kit differential clutch 3 70 r L Consists of 4 46108 S B 271 D Bolt bearins l Cap to carrier 1 Z 13 x 4 C 9 lW 4A324 E Shim 010 thick 2 1 Blggfjlocking 2 QQQW y 324 F Shim 005 thick L 87675 S P 17 Plug f j 2 14 L Qt j 325 B Plate differential clutch conyg 10 373820 S XX 155 A Washer carrier to hsg bolts 2 CJBOZ 4 326 A Plate differential clutch spring mey yE Y e Y 10 34445 S M 80 Nut rggg hsg stud 3 8 24 ILO DBAZ 4347 A Bolt carrier to housing 2 C6AZ 414 B Lock fj re ntial bearing ad uster 3 8 24 x 1 9 16 2 350211 S BB 413 Bolt adjuster lock to carrier 1 D5CIZ 4420 A Seat differential pinion also 5 16 g y16 self locking sen iced in Kit group 421L 4200 Differential essy refer to group in 1 D2EiZ 4614 A Retainer and bearing cups driving u9 t L D3TZ 4204 A Case zgygjilifferential 5 412999 S B 253 Bolt retainer to carrier self L 371075 S BB 98 Screw Eff case 1 4 20 x 3 4 ocking 3 B 16gx 1 1 8 4209 Ring gear and pinion kit L 7 L itQ6 A Cup driving ginign bearing 88010 1 C7AZ 4209 J 2 75 ratio 2 B7 A 4t 21 A Cone and roller driving pinion 1 COAZ 4209 E 3 00 ratio M88048 1 B7AZ 4209 M 3 70 QiL 1 CZAZ 4625 B Bearing driving pinion pilot 4211 Shaft pinion 1 3 32 I D x 1 27 32 0 0 it 1 DBSZ 4211 A 4 pinion short shaft kit 21 32 thick Consists of 1 B7 Z 46217 A Retainer driving pinion pilot 2 D3SiW 4419 A Shaft bearing 1 E2LlZ 4420 A Seat 1 B7 i 4662 A Spacer driving pinion bearing 3 305105 S Pin collapsible 1 5 1t I D x 15 B2 1 B7AZ 4211 A 2 pinion long shaft kit long Consists of 1 B7 44569 A O ring driving pinion bearing 1 C9AW 4211 A Shaft retainer 4 3 4 I D l 2 t EL 2 Y Y i ET iiTT H E c0MF Ariv New Issue