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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 7 9 Y section 40 1 19 TRUCK SERIES 100 50 0 Q DESCRIPTION ETY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ROCKWELL TIMKIEN F106 REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS l I1S T N0 95 Cont d NON LOCKING Note 1 It is imperative that all 112 replacing bolts and nuts be used as a Set and all 12 replaced bolts and nuts be removed and disggled when servicing the vehicle to avo grn Lr ngjnd cross threading 1 BT 4667 Washer driving pinion bearing 4982 Bolt and nut kit driving gear Note 1 thrust Ly Ll D x 2 3 B O D yy DEBTQZ 4982 A r b EOHZ 4982 A 1 BTH 4674 Retainer and seal assy driving pinion Consists of bearingL 12 15x 1324 Bolt 4676 Seal clrive pinion oil 12 NL 28 1 Nut 1 8T 4676 B 1199 6 19 05 3 3 16 0 0 1973 74 12 1229 c 1511 Washer L j 5TZ 4676 A A 1EQ 71 3 5 s O D 1975 77 1 EOHjZ 49 52 A 4851 Flange assy u joint axle end Consists of 1 BTH 4851 1973 74 12 15x 1325 Bolt 1 l 5TZ 4851 C 1975 7l 12 NL 18 1 Nut 1 72089 S N 55 Pan cotyyg L1 3 4 12 1229 c 1511 Washer 1 351165 S8 MM 85 Nut 1 2tL FOR0 WEV NON LOCKING REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST N0 163 Note 1 T0 OBTAIN CORRECT PART FOR ALL 1979 VEHICLES YOU IMUST MEASURE THE BRAKE BACKING PLAT E BOLT T0 SlEE IF VEHICLE HAS 1 2 ORI 3 8 BCILTSL AND ORDER PART THAT IS RESTRICTED WITHQQCORRECT BOLT SIZE DIAMETER 1001 Gasket rear wheel backing plate 40120 Retainer wheel bearing refer tggigp 1001 in Section 10 2 CBUZ 40120 A 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt 19 73 1177 Seal assy rear wheel brg oil 2 D30 40120 A 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt 1974 refer tgggup 1177 in Section 11 2 D3 AZ 40120 A 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt use with 1180 Retainer rear wheel brg inner WEV A A1 G H L L1 S 51 T T1 ABI refer t Lgig 1 g 1180 in Section 11 Before Ser BJ0 001l 1975 78 1225 Bearing rear whee refer to group 11225 2 D4AZ 40220 8 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt use with WEV A3 M in Sect g 11 N N1 R R1 S4 T4 AA1 AC1 Al 1 A E AG 4010 Housingi assy From Ser BJ0 0 1 1975 78 1 0UZ 4010 IB 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt 1973 2 D8AZ 4020 A 3 8 Brake backing plate bolt NOTE 1 1979 1 4UZ 4010 A 1 Z Brake backing plate bolt 1974 Use with WEV AJ AK AL use only 1 5UZ 4010 A 1 Z Brake backing plate bolt 1975 78 when replacing retainer on tapered bearing shaft 1 l8UZ 4010 A 3 8 Brake backing plate bolt NOTE 1 1979 2 D8AZ 4020 B 3 8 Brake backing plate bolt NOTE 1 1979 Use with WE V AH AJ AK AL use with WEV AH use only when replacing retainer on ball bearing shaft 1 5UZ 4010 A 1 2 Brake backing plate bolt NOTE 1 1979 2 D4A Z 4020 8 1 2 Brake backing plate bo t NOTE 1 1979 Use witgll Q AH AJ AK AL Use with WEV Al l AJ AK AL use 1 87837 S P 15 Plug drain El 8 only when replacing retainer m 1 D5AZ 40El5 A Gasket differential carrier 1 15 E3 T2Z 4035 A Gasket differential carrier 2 1 QQ E L Gasket differential carrier 2 ZQL Qi Ad uster ldifferenqal bearing 4141 Carrier assy differential 1 D7 A2I 4141 A 1973 2 75 thru 3 70 ratio 1 lgQ g A 1973 4 11 ratio 1 j3yggggg L Plug filler 1 2 14 4 461018 S B 1271 D Bolt bearing cap to carrier 1 2 13 x 2 1 B self jocking 10 372111lb S MM 140 E Nut carrier to housing bolt E B 10 373820 S XX 155 A Washer carrier to housing bolts 2 j Lock diff bearing ad usterQ October 1986 bevnicnreieao W mam Mcrcfa iT1E Xi E m REN r c0MeANv New Issue