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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 79 secnou 40 1 17 TRUCK SERIES 100 500 QTY PART NUMElER DESCRIPTION E T g QLl lMBER DESCRIPTION DANlA SPICER 60 60 D 60 3E REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST N0 94 Cont d lMM L 1 D1TZ 4241 A Pin differential gear shaft lock 1 jr DOTZ 4676 A Seal driving pinion 0il ag0 EedT 7 32 dia ni 1 7 El long also in kit group 4209 3 5 32 D double lip servicediggits group 4204 4215 r b EOTZ 4676gk 10 82L i 1g C6TZ 4346 C Bolt ihyggcoverkalso serviced in kit gr0u 4033 1 EOTZ 4h76 A Seal drive pinion oil L 44727 S8 X 24 Washe g y8 1 0 x 7 a 0 0 2 5 a2 0 0 1 7 a shaft dia 4616 Cup driviing pinion bearing also serviced in kitjroup 4 L also serviced in kit group 4209 4851 Flange assy u joint 1 BSA 4616 B Front l lMl38510 1 D01l Z 4851 B 1310 size 2 4 3801 X i B6D Mak A Rear lj 03110 1 D3LlZ 4 lS1 A 1310 size 26292 X 1 BSA 4621 B Cone and roller driving pinion 1 D0 l Z 4851 A 1330 size 1973 78 front HMEl8542 also serviced 1 DB l Z 4851 A 1330 size 1979 m mm QL L EL i 1 A 1350 Size 1 1 BSD 4630 A Cone and rolller driving pinion 1 354 845 S8 MM 146 Locknut flange to pinion als o rear HIl 8 Zl3146 also serviced in kits group 406L4 7 8 14 servicegjiitjroup 4209 L 1QQjQ S4 Cotter pin 1 8 x 1 1 2 4670 Slinger driving pinion shaft oil 1 372632 5 XX 256 Washer flange to pinion also also serviced in kit group 4209 serviced in kits group 4067 4209 1 050 4670 A 0uter 1 1 i4 l 0 x 2 27 B2 0 0 x 1 Baz A 7 a 1 0 x 1 sia 0 0 thick r b E1UZ 4670 A 10 82 1 qt D1TZ 4880 A Locking differential l it aIso serviced 1 E1UZ 4670 A Outer 1 1 4 l D x 1 7 B 0 D x 1 32 thick in kit group 4215 incl 1 C6TZ 4670 D Inner 1 11 16 I D x 4 1 2 O D x 1 32 8 plates 8 discs 2 spacers thick 4 clutch retainer c ips serviced 1 C4TZ 4670 A Baffle drive pinion oil a so serviced only in kit D1TZ 4880 A in kit g ig p 4209 r b E3TZ 4880 A 10 85L 4672 Shim driving pinion front bearing Z1 EZTZ 4880 A Disc and plate kit differential serviced in kit group 4067 Consists of 2 27198 1X Stack disc and plate 4 40835 Retainer diff clutch ROCKWELL TIMKIEN FZ l06 REAR AXLE SERVICE PARTS LIST M0 95 NON LOCKING Note 1 It is imperative that all 12 replacing bolts and nuts be used as a Set and all 12 replaced bolts and nuts be removed and disiyg when servicing the vehicle to avoggygggymixing zgd cross threading 16 lB7TZ 11S1 B Stud rgpgjiaft 12 350688 S ElB 193 Bolt carrier to hsg 1 2 1jl x 4010 Housing assy 1 1 16 1973 74 1 l38TZ 4010 J A3 l X60 1973 74 2 358910 S EiB 176 Bolt carrier to hsg 7 16 14 x 1 IDSTZ 4010 A C Y 2g3LQ i 9 C U 5637 1975 77 1 1 2 1973 74 i S8048 S PP 43 Plug c 3 4 4A146 Bolt carrier to housing B6T 403S C Gasket Ei carrier 14 5 8 0 D 2 DEBTZZ 4A146 A 7 16 14 x 2 1 4 long 1975 77 4067 Adjuster differential bearing 2 DSTZ 4A146 A 7 16 14 x 1 1 2 medium 1975 77 2 TEAA 4067 A 3 1 4 l D 112 slots 1973 74 12 lQjQQ 1 1 2 13 x 1 1 2 short j7L 2 J DAA 4067 A 3 1 4 Q 1 Lslots 1975 77 El 4A146 Bolt pinion bearing retainer to 4A140l Refer to lY0tllp 4A146 within carrier listed by part no under group Ji L 4141 Carrier assay differential 4 359 86 S 174 Washer carrier bolt to hsq 1 2 1 36T 4141 B 5200 D 394 casting with 16 drillecl I D x 13 16 0 Qi 5 64 thil holes j LpjQl3T Z 4141 F 12 37l2407 S2 X 186 A Washer carrier bolt to hsg 17 32 1 D3TZ 4141 A A2 3200 R 1110 with 16 drilled l D x 7 8 O D j3 32 thEk holes 4143 Lock differential brg adjuster 1 l 3TZ 4141 F Carrier kit differential 5200 D 394 2 TDAA 4143l A L shaped with 1ig gd holes 2 CZTZ 4143 A 2 9 32 ong 1 4 shank use w L Jl58048 S P 43 Plug fplgglg untapped carrier 2 358911 88 179 Bolt carrier to hsg l 7 16 14 x 2 3534 08 S B B 329 Bolt lock hd dr illed 5 16 18 xt Q l2 Ml October 1986 Elpvnionv 1986 rono iviororrtr EKEEKEER COMPANY New Issue