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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986 |
19 73 7 9 l slacrion 90 29 TRUCK SERIIES 100 00 YEAR MODEI RESTRICTIONS 3 PART NUMBE R DESCRIPTION TY 9275 QAUGE ASSY lQJ Q TANlj UNIT C0nt d 76 UF350 U Haul D8TZ 9275 A it DEl l S 9275 AA use with 30 gallon frame 1 mounted fuel tank incl 1 C1TF 9417 C jaygggid 5 385272 36 screw 73 B500 F100 500 P350 500 385272 36 BB 551 CL screw and washer assy fuel gauge AR Loggi tank sealin t e N0 10 32 x 3 4 j275 IZIOSE FUEL QILINTEIUIIEDIATE MOULDEl 75 77 F100 350 Regu arCab D5TZ 9C275 E Use with in cab or midship fuel tank 1 75 77 F250 350 Crew Cab 1 lil FEt L M 1 Jil Fy 0 350 Super Cab L X DSTZ 9C27 jggyggm aft axle or midshi fuel tank 1 75 77 F100 ssc Regular Cab i DSTZ 9C275 G Llse with dual fuel tanks wlth aft axle and midship 1 77 Fgso 350 Crew Cab inrjrcg and midshi fuel tanks 1 75 77 F100 350 2 W D DSTZ 9C275 H Front use with aft axle and midship fuel tank 1 75 77 F1 0 150 4 W D Not replaced Front use with in cab and aft axle 1 leased 75 76 F1 0 4 W D D7TZ 9 Z275 E Llse with in cab and aft axle fuel tank 1 75 76 F2 50 350 Crew Cab i Not replaced Use with in cab and midship fuel tank 1 77 Fy50 4 l D l igeygg in cab and aft axle fuel tanks 1 77 F150 250 2 W D D7TZ 9C27 5 D Use with dual fuel tanks 1 77 F150 4 W D Not replaced 1 L F250 350 Crew Cab Llggggg in cab and midshi fuel tanks 1 j 27 EAL FUELlAN l QER 74 EEFSOO with ev em J D4TZ 9E27 E ygg 18 and 30 gallon fuel tank 2 Q 76 QASKET FUEl Q A NK UNIT Also f wlgjgll l Q7 El 73 77 El F500 C1TF 9276 A Cork aind rubber 2 I D x 3 3 16 O D x 1 8 1 73 77 P350 500 thick six 5 32 dia holes use with 17 18 30 or 60 1 Q ZL F250 350 Crew Cab cgyglgxme mounted fuel tank 1 73 F250 4 W D C1TF 9276 B Bork and rubber 2 11 16 dia 5 holes 3 16 1 73 F3i50 exc Super Camper clia use with 18 or 19 5 gallon in cab fuel tank 1 73 77 P500 1 LUZL F M2L 1 73 74 E100 300 COAF 9276 A Bork and rubber 2 3 S I D x 2 9 16 0 D x 1 73 F100 250 2 W D F350 1 8 thick use with midship fuel tank 1 73 F100 Use w aft axle fuel tank 1 73 F 250 2 W D Use w aft of axle fuel tank 1 73 F350 l Use w aft of axle fuel tank 1 75 E5100 350 lJse with midship or aft axle fuel tank 10r2 74 76 M450 500 Use with 30 gallon fuel tank with9B593 value 1 77 F250 4 W D Use w plastic midship fuel tank 1 F150 250 L4 W D l e lgt h midshi fuel tank 1 73 76 F100 350 with ev em C1TF 927 C 2 5 B 0 0 5 holes 5 32 dia use w mid 1 ship insicle frame fuel tank E FQ50 U Hau0 llsgjgg 30 allon frame mtd fuel tank 1 73 77 F500 with ev em DOHZ 9276 A DOHA 9073 A D3HA 9073 BA use with 18 and 30 1 qgwmame mtd fuel tank j 78 QEAUGE ASSIQQILQRQSIJRE ENGINE UNIT 73 77 IE100 350 8 cyl E4ZZ 9278 A S Al 15 l7 B No 90 0verall length 3 13 32 1 4 18 1 pipe thread use w oil pressure gauge 73 77 8500 F100 500 8 cyl gas Use w oil pressure gauge 1 74 76 M450 500 8 cyl 460 1 f Q m 1y s e 1 73 77 8500 E100 350 F100 500 6 cyl D9TZ 927El A E5Vll 873 A N0 90 overall length 3 15 32 1 gas r bE4TZ 927El A 8 86 1 l 113 pipe thread use w oil pressure gauge JEL F E9M2 a L 1 T 73 74 F100 350 6 cyl 240 300 C7AZ 9278 B Ill 669 No 6 1 4 18 pipe thread except 1 73 74 EE100 300 6 cyl 240 300 w gauges 1 Q E F100 350 2 cyl 30 1 OCTOBER 1986 coevmcnr was Form Moron moeaeeorzu Micmcan couwauv NEW ISSUE