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Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Text Catalog FD 9464 January 1964 |
FORD TRIIGK IMRTS szcnon 29 89 BEND IX WE2S l INGHOUSE IIRUCK AIR BRAKE I C II IEEII F H1E ndix Wesihigh iiis TriiEk Air Brake section6fi P EiCatal giiHas been p1 sp 6tY for your convenience in ordering air brake parts for Ford Truck Models Q QH QH QHS QW QHW QSW Z ZW C QQ C QQQQ CC QQQQ WCC C A Ci WiC i i5TTiWW5kT1T4 Ti i ERR E 5 5 W 7 7 7Y mr nn Wwl3 tUiFord and BFeHdix Westinghou s pErt nuTnHE1Ys dr included Tn eE se sTvhere the eY dix f Westinghouse part numbers only are listed those parts are to be secured from your local Bendix Westinghouse authorized distributors I NI D E X SECTION 29 SECTION gg GROUP PAGE ILLUSTRATION PAGE Es me Pm NH 1Eie S LLL jf iiijj 91 Q A i E i E i 4 52 ii M 90 A Ya Air B1 ake System 1953 56 93 21ssa e mb r ASSY Kimi l19 i LLL ttti LLL 108 LLL jjjfjfjjf CC i CC C5 Cm Brake Chnmber Assy Front 1954 5 5 mWiWj 0 j3rake C hamberiAssy Fr5 194 53 ICE jL jQjjTCTjjQLLjjLL L ltit ttti LLLLLQLLL j SLSE i j iE SSY FP tll1 5 7555 W9 Emke 3sr Assmlisw l 149 LLLLLLL LL 59 h mb 5SSy R Wl1 4 555 U6 VBrake Chamberr ssyigejii 1954 56 iwiiw 1l r T ke ClEnll r Assy Rear 1954756 111 f i Brake Chamber Assy Rear 1955 113 im x ess1 Re 194 5 L L LLLLLLL 102 jjjj jjW CWWCWC CW D CC gomprggsor Parts Q LX ii 0 00 105 V j30m1gjg soE y 1949 55 m 101 i 0 0 000 Compressor Assy 1956 BSYQ fyi 272 302 332 104 Eompregor Air StraineLA gl49 55L7M TUB i Y w jpninressor Aiijtrrainetggssv 19 4 1 7 LLLL 106 LLLL j 6 QiStra r E 755 106 V i fin Compressor Air Strainer 1956 106 Egot Control Yl ilxLe Assy 1949 56 film w T12 i 7 ih A j Zi HroF i1e Assy 19 l 56 112 H Q9 y 1949 55LLLLLLL LLL gg L LLL Lv m1 w L LLLLLLLL L LLLLGULL yg x1 3f QZY 949 55 99 i4A w 4t wi fl overnor Assyj1 567 100 A LRs1 ly i AwLLLLL LLLLLLLLLL1 L L jj W C 0 Relay V As T i M 114 11 1is eiL L t L LLLLLL LL L L1p LLL C CCi C LLL i LLLLLL LLYLLLLLLLLL EQ ij 5j LL itii LL ici LL W I BBBI iHE Hl G1h tQE i Y 1 h rmission other oB m w Westinghouse Automotive Air lBra1 e Company Elyria Ohio CEW Br k jQ i LLL i jLLjij19g11i3 sS BSSv L LL V Mm Y P 1484 AE Brake Systeniih ALMWJQ 104 LS ompressor Air Strainerfxjsy mr nl 2Qf78 E 1pressor i rjrh P 2080 Compressor A ii7M tm i 5 mi iiimiwi 00V 0 0 i X J P 105 LJ ear Brake Chamber Assy jr if WWPZ1 IW 1 r ont Brake Air0 Q l1q gn g g f5S L V in A TTT i WW Pi651 CHM Brake Airrgigiigngogssy l 105Zi jf oot Control ysivs Assy M P 20 79 T overnor Assy i7K il 170 j ear Brake Ehamber Assy i M A L LLLL3iB iB L LLLLLL L A V v Brake gif Chamber WTE LLLL J i ji2 r Slegls siiuster ASSY