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Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Text Catalog FD 9464 January 1964
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402 section 70A FORD TRUCK PARTS TRANSMISSION PART No I3C 7001 B TRANSMISSION SERVICE PARTS LIST No 36 qw mz mv mz TRANS nm Numan utscmmon TRANS nur Numan nzscmnou Mission Mission 1 C1TT 4B13 C ff il seal tiifhpihfshaffwieariiig retainer 1 TBKK 7085 Kfjf tiln f 011tpUt Shift B aflngi ffff 2 12 1 D 3 065 0 D 1 2 thick 77T7 157 708 777Gasket ou piiY sn51 i7Hear1ng r tiii ii fh AATV f Y f fffffffff f2 ffi062 S8lEBX fBolt case to clutch housing 1 01T 7009 F lahge universal joint spline engine 9 16 12 x 2 end 10 splines fffffH810 S7 B X69 Lockwasher 9 16 1 351165 S8 HM85 Nut flange to output shaft 1 hE f 20348 S8 B 77 Bolt 3 B 16 x 3 4 hex head used f 20 x 1 1 2 hex castle to plug parking brake holes 4 350609 S8 EB8345 Bolt flange to coupling shaftEh f f Eochwasher EYE f yoke 7 16 20 x 1 5 B use with Tiff 3 3 0 1 StFt 325 Plesit1t t r er t tm g 7 t euttett Htl R RDD1 01T y y2 h Ptf 1it itL9B l TEKPY U1 K fffHf3 tf 111PUU 2U 9110211 t 6U1f 2 clutch 4 BD 2624 Bolt flange to coupling shaft flange teeth 9 17 32 long yoke 7 16 20 x 1 3 B use with ff1ff8D f7025f Karing input sh ft 1 7714 l D BD 2614 2 hand brake drum 3 3461 O D slotted for snap ring f ffff i r iV fff ffffff K ffff ffff f ff V ffff V fff ffffff f ffff V ff w and reverse sliding 39 f ffftlff 7026 Sn ring input shaft hearing spur teeth 10 straight splines 3 11 64 I D with 1 2 gap supplied fff f ff 7 WW WWW WW Only in ASTZ 7B331 D kit 1 BD 7102 Gear and bushing assy output shaft 1 Bflf mm V Biffl ftgpttt Sh ttW 1Y 0T 7f inter 29 helical teeth O D 1 784 I D 7777 77777 777777 7 7 WQW nserWTihtt r ed1ateEW highfclutch hhht 1 8D 7105 Hub inter and high clutch 27fteeK WW WWWWW WWW W WWWW W supplied inABTZ 7124 A synchronizer 1 TBAA 70 50 A Retainer input ShaYhearing f ff 1 8D7 7 7106 1377 S1 V 7 4 1 8 overall length R H Spiral Oil fork groove located in center supplied sr veS 5 1 8 f1 ee0 D 3 5 8 I only inA8TZ 7124 A synenmnizer W flange l D 7 77777 7 777777 7 ff 7 7777777 7 7 4 350673 S BE544 BO1t retainer te Case 5716 JSXEE4 2 8D 7107 Ring synchr0nizerfHoE 27 teethf WWWWWWWWWWW oigal hex head 7 7 777 7777 7 77 77 7 4 WW W 3 Q0 7Tg WZ L0W Kj Slt9Y 57WWI6 W rri WWWWW WW WW i T D 7109 Snap ring intermediate andhighElutch W W W WW W hub synchronizer 3 1 16 O D AR BD 7051 A Gasket input 15 161 gap ea i tE00 tP 1 10 D it tt t6 QQ 7 ii fR777 7777 WW WWWWWWW W W W fl BD 7111 ff f ff ountershaft 9 19 32 long f W AR BD 7051 B Gasket input shaft Bearing retainer 777 g g f u7 t gYT 1 1 e Z i 21 WWWW WWWW WWWW WWWWW W W20 th1ck 3 1g D W 4 11 1 t O D 17 teeth WWWWW WWWWW 1 8D ffW 15f f f ff fSpaEer fai fufntfef1f Y gear pilott1earih f 1 BD 7059 Snap ring output shaft synchronizer 2 11 32 Ong 1 13 32 l D 0B7 thick 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 777777777 ii 77777 7 fBJ 7001 Sh fff output II 31 732 long iii iii iii I D 1 52 O D 2 5u1 mg Straight Sptmee 1 re m 5 m1ren unc rs1a1t tT ff351165 SBIR l M85i Nut 1 20 thrustpfront f ff F 2O89 SW NWWW55W WW cotteW g1WW1 Wx 13 74W WWWW 2 2 ff 7 7 7 7777 AR BD 7064 A Snap ring input shaft hearing to shaft 2324 di3m gg 1Ong W W W WW 1 MQWHWWI D O94 thick W fff ff H fff ffff ffffffffff f ffff ffffff g I WW W00t B W W WWWW O 7 thick 1 ABTZ 7124 A Synchronizer assy AR BD 706 C T007WIHGT Consists Of WAR gt W W0WWtF D iff WWW ffWWW Wi6 th1cW1iW 1 813 7105 Hub 2 8D 7109 Snap ring 1 8D 7106 B Sleeve 3 B5Az 7A044 13 Insert 77 77i 6 77 7B Q 0 a tZ as I 2 8D vm mnt 1 00 7070 Snap me Output S550 0 u 7 miterSnatt gea if IG O I2 3 1 32N I D thrust rear outer 2 5 B O D 1 WW WWW W W 1 4 tab O625 thick 1 F8lT 7080f B3 l1a ZW3 4 O D Supp11 d iHA8TZ 7B331 D iT 1TE WWWWW WWW WW ku W W thrust rear inner 2 5 8 0 D 1 1 64 1 22582 S8 Bolt retainer to case 3 8 16 x 2 1 D 4 scallops 0625 thick hex drilled head ff 7 777777777 7777 34807 661 t3 1 wesher 378 s5a n re 2 sei411ar ea1 4 lohffff 74f72040K 01F 1 8 777 7 7 7g7 7 7 7 7 iDD e 1 1U fi it All 777 7 777 77777 iiii 7 iiiii 7 WW WWWW WW WWWWW W W W W WWW WWW WWW W f ffffffffffff continued on next pageff